Chapter 7

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-Hayley's POV-

"Niall! Don't give in!" I screamed over the growing lump in my throat. I looked at him through my teary eyes and I knew he was doing the same to me. Chris' arm constricted around my neck as I clawed my nails deeper into his skin. My feet kicked wildly as Chris dragged me out the side door into the cool crisp air. I was sweating everywhere. My screams muffled by his hand.

"Shut up! Jesus Hayley, shut up!" Chris hissed at me. The gun still pointed to my head. He hastily locked the door and continued to drag me away.

You've gotta do something Hayley. you have to.

I planted my feet under me, grabbing Chris' forearm with both hands, I arched my back against him before flinging myself forward. Chris toppled over me, landing flat in his back. I tried to pry the gun away from him but he recovered too quickly.

My heart was beating out of my chest. My breathing uneven. He was too strong. Chris flipped us over, he lied on top of me, the gun pointed under my chin. I fought for possession, trying to aim the gun back at him but it was useless.

"I don't wanna do this, Hayley." He struggled to say.

I didn't want to kill him. I didn't want that on my hands but I had no choice it seemed. I forced my knee as hard as I could upwards, hitting him right in his manhood. Chris faltered for a second, enough for me to pry the gun out of his hand and start running.

Don't stop. keep running.

just then I felt pressure grip my ankle, sending me crashing to the ground. I flipped onto my back just as Chris dragged himself up, hovering over me.

You have to now.

I took a deep breath, aimed, said a quick prayer that I won't kill him, and pulled the trigger.


I let out a loud sigh filled with fearful sobs. I dragged myself out from under Chris' body. His hand gripping his arm where I had shot him. It didn't do anything really. He'd be fine. He was just bleeding quite a bit. I got to my feet and stood above him, stilling aiming the gun. Still shaking.

"Hayley. Princess.." I jumped and pointed the gun up. Niall's eyes widened and threw his hands up.


"Shit. Niall, I'm sorry.." I said in a shaky voice and lowered the gun. I stared at Chris moaning on the ground in pain.  I could see Niall carefully walking towards me out of the corner of my eye.

"Hayley, put the gun down." Niall said calmly. But I couldn't. I couldn't move.

"Here. Give it to me." I felt his fingertips brush my hand. I slowly let my fingers relax. I was numb. I just didn't even know what to do.

-Niall's POV-

I slowly pulled the gun out of her tiny fingers. She sucked in a deep breath and let out a loud sob before crashing into my arms. Her legs were wobbly and I had to hold her up. I stroked her hair as she nuzzled into my neck and cried harder.

Never did I thought this would happen. Guess it's a good thing Hayley knew how to shoot a gun after all. I looked down at Chris who was still holding his arm. He was noticeably intoxicated but not as bad as the others here. Unless he wanted to be charged with underaged drinking, he'd have to bandage himself up. He got what he deserved.

My thoughts were interrupted by another of Hayley's sobs. I held her tighter and placed my cheek against her forehead.

"It's ok." I said running my hands up and down her arms. "it's ok."

Hayley shakily lifted her head up and took the gun out of my hands. Her hands were so unsteady. I watched silently as she took out the remaining bullets and dropped the gun by Chris' side. She shoved the remaining bullets into her pocket and wiped at her tear stained face.

"Can we go?" She said quietly and I nodded.

"First we should tell Matt about Chris.." I noticed her flinch as I used his name.

She nodded. "Yeah. ok."

With my arms around her, I guided Hayley back into the frat house to the kitchen. People stared, well the few that were aware of what happened. My eyes fell on Matt's.

"He's ok." I told him. "But he does have a hole in his arm."

Matt's eyes grew as he glanced at Hayley but I returned his attention to me. "He's intoxicated. Just like everyone else here. It would be an awful idea to have an ambulance here. You have two choices. One: keep him quiet and bandage him up, or two, take him into the ER and he'll probably get charged with underaged drinking.  You'll get in trouble for hosting a party and however supplied alcohol will be in deep shit." I explained to him and he nodded.

"I know Chris. He won't be going anywhere."

"Good." I nodded and started to walk away.

I felt Matt grip my shoulder. I turned to face him.

"But.." he hesitated. "Hayley should be careful.."


I nodded again. "Yeah,  that's what I was afraid of." I heard Hayley whimper and I pulled her closer. "Thanks." I said before assisting Hayley to the car.

"I'm so sorry." She said quietly as I buckled her into the seat. Her head rolled back against the seat. she looked exhausted.

I pressed a kiss to her forehead. "It's ok. You meed some rest." I told her.

"Stay with me?" She asked breathlessly.

"Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way."

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