Chapter 96

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-Niall's POV-

I couldn't get the image of Hayley trashing in her sleep out of my head. And when she screamed, I could literally feel my blood run cold and freeze in my veins. When I had tried to hold her she had hit me square in the nose. I was going to tell her about it, in hopes of it lightening the mood, but decided against it when it was obvious that whatever she dreamt of was too much to just forget.

I sat on the bed, my legs crossed, hands clasping then unclasping. I could hear the water running from the showerhead and Lydia's siblings laughing loudly down the hall. I turned my head towards the bathroom door and let out a sigh.

"You're really pushing it," I muttered to myself as I pushed myself off the bed and across the floor.

I needed to know what that dream was about. I needed to know so I could help her. I know she wanted to tell me but if we didn't talk about it now, when would we? We wouldn't see each other until real late tonight and tomorrow was the rehersal dinner. Then after that was the wedding. I needed to know now and something deep down told me she needed to let it out now.

I twisted the doorknob and walked into the bathroom that was already starting to fill with steam from the hot water. I could feel sweat beading on my forehead. I pulled the shower curtain back and shut off the water.

Hayley jumped and let out a yelp. When she noticed it was me her terror shifted into an angry annoyance. "Fucking Christ, Niall," She scolded as I turned my back to her, "You can't just fucking barge in here! Normally I don't mind because, hey I get it, I have needs to."

I stiffled a small laugh and grabbed a towel out of the shower cabinet.

"But, Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me!"

I started to wrap the towel around her naked body when Hayley ripped it out of my hands. "Don't touch me."

I sighed and rubbed my palm over my face and the back of my neck. My arm extended out beside her head, supporting my weight as I leaned in closer. "What was your nightmare?" I asked quietly.

The color in her face drained again and her eyes faultered to the ground. "It was nothi-"

"Hayley," I interrupted and she went silent. I tucked my thumb under her chin, tilting it up to look me in the eye, "What was it? I know you want to tell me."

Hayley blinked rapidly, keeping the tears at bay. She shook her head and her lips were pressed into a thin line. "It was awful."

I didn't press any futher. Instead, I waited in silence.

"It was on our wedding day," Hayley started. Her voice was shakey and quiet, but I remained silent. "It started off just perfect. All the girls were in there looking perfect in their dresses and they were all looking at me like I was some.. perfect thing. And My mom was happy and I was happy.

"Then my mom pulled me out of the room saying it was time to get out and walk down the aisle and I was ready, God, I was so ready," I smiled as she recited the memories but then forced myself to be prepared for the worse. Eventually this dream had turn into a nightmare.

"After the bridesmaids all walked down, I got ready for Jeff to walk me down the aisle but when I turned to look at him it wasn't Jefferey. It was my dad." Hayley was ccrying now. Tears rolling down her cheeks, left and right, I couldn't understand how she was able to keep a somewhat stable voice. "And that was good. I was happy that it was my dad, but then we started to actually walk. I looked at you, expecting you to look really happy and excited but instead you were deathly pale. You looked terrified.

"I followed your line of sight and you were staring at my dad. Except it wasn't my dad anymore. It was.. It was Ryan."

I felt my heart sink. I was hoping that after all those weeks worth of nightmares that both of us shared, that we had finally gotten over the asshole. Yet, here he was, pushing his way back into our lives.

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