Chapter 68

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-Hayley's POV-

I sat back and laughed with Matt beside me. My mom and Jeffery teased each other back and forth as Logan went on about how awesome he is and all the awesome things he has done. I smiled. This is what I had missed as a child. It hurt but at the same time, it was refreshing.

"You're family is crazy," Matt laughed as quietly as he could in my ear.

I nodded. "I know," My family.

"I think I'm gonna join a band and be a badass and all. Then I'll have women wanting a piece of this sexiness once I'm famous." Logan flexed his muscles again and my mom shoved his head.

"You're gonna need more than money to make women want you." Jeffery teased.

"Like a paper bag." Mom muttered and the entire room erupted in a big ohhhhh burn.

Logan waved his arms in the air. "Whatever, whatever. I'm a badass in the making. Give it time." He swore.

"Speaking of badasses in bands, where's Niall?" Mom asked.

"Heading to Miami. He's back on tour." I shrugged and everyone nodded.

Matt got up carrying dishes to put in the sink while Logan continued to entertain everyone. I was about to say something when there was a long bang. I heard the sound of the plastic dishes Matt was holding clatter in the sink. All heads turned to the place the noise had come from.

The front door.

Everyone froze. No one dared to move. I had no idea who or what it could be but I also didn't really want to find out.  My heart rate picked up as footsteps echoed across the wooden flooring. I don't think anyone was even breathing. We all just stared at the doorway, waiting, waiting, and impatiently waiting.

But somehow we all managed to suck in a breath when our eyes were revealed to the source of the commotion.


He had a phone in his hand. His eyes were wide and wild. They scanned each of our faces. All blood drained from my face. I wanted to empty my stomach of its contents but I couldn't. I couldn't even move.

"Ryan what the hell!" My mom screamed, breaking the silence that was slowly suffocating us.

"I thought we made it clear that she didn't want you anymore!" Jeffery growled. His eyes narrowed at the smaller, older, more fragile looking man in front of him. He took long stride over to him. His fist rose behind his head but never swung forward. Instead there was a sick crack sound followed by a thud when Jeffery's body hit the floor.

Ryan shook his hand once. He hit him.

When did he hit him?

A shriek escaped my mouth but it was drowned out by my mom's. I couldn't process what was happening in front of me. Ryan? Jeffery? Here?

Finally I snapped out of whatever trance I was stuck in. I looked around me. My mom was still staring, screaming at Jeffery. Logan hadn't moved an inch and he looked as if he could piss himself if I didn't get him out of here. Ryan's face had twisted into a disturbing smile, sending chills down my spine.

"Matt," I screamed over the noise and the blood ponding in my ears. "Get Logan and go!" I pointed towards the window and Matt quickly grabbed Logan's arm pulling him closer. His fingers fumbled to open the window, but as soon as it was opened he lifted Logan onto the sink, instructing him to crawl out.

"Mom," I called rushing towards her. "Come he- fuck! Ow!" I screamed as I felt a sharp pain digging into my arm. I pointed towards the window, silently telling her to go.

I couldn't shake my mind away from the pain in my arm. I followed the grip on my forearm up to find that it was attached the Ryan. I dropped dead weight to the floor, kicking and flailing my arms around. I watched as Matt tried to get my mom to go out the window, but she refused.

"You have to go! Get help!" Matt told her but she still wouldn't move.

Ryan let go of my arm and reached behind him, pulling out a handgun. Everyone stopped. It became so quiet you could hear a pin drop down the street.

There was a low murmer, I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I looked around me but found nothing beside Jeffery's unconscious body next to me.

"Looks like you have a choice to make Niall." Ryan said.

The phone! That's the murmer. Wait, Niall? "

Fuck up your life and that wonderful job of yours? Or..." He looked down at me and laughed. "well, I don't think I need to go into details to tell you what else is at stake here."

Despite everything inside me telling me to keep quiet and still, I screamed. I screamed so loud I felt like my vocal chords would rip open. "Niall! Niall!" I shouted his name over and over again. I wasn't sure if I wanted him to come help or to tell him to stay away, stay safe. Stay with his career.

I didn't stop screaming though. My cries for Niall turned into pleas, begging him to stop to leave. "What do you even want?!"

Ryan crouched down in front of me. The back of his hand connected with my cheekbone. My neck snapped to the side and I closed my eyes at the sting of the pain. "Shut the fuck up." He said lowly.

"I'll keep it simple for you. I know you're an idiot and all." He spat as he walked over to my mom and Matt. Logan was already out the window, I have no idea where he is now. He urged the two of them to take a seat away from the windows.

"I needed your mom. I needed this job, well the job only worked if I had a wife. Plus, I'd get laid."

I cringed with disgust.

"I knew your mom was still in love with her ex-husband. I needed him out of the picture. I figured, hey, he's close to his daughter. Maybe if she just forgets about him, he'll leave this town. But no, you fucking hated me and loved that man. It was bullshit and you made my plan twenty times harder. Well he loved you more than life. I figured if something happened to you, he'll do something stupid to himself. And I fucked up by sending some little girl to do the shooting for me. I figured out about your dad's work. I knew he had enemies. I took advantage. Got in a wreck. Killed him. Fled the scene. But all this shit was fucked up because of some damn blonde foreign boy in a band. You two just had to fall love. He just had to love you and be there for you. You just had to be stronger with him. Niall basically fucked it all up. So did you. So I had to think of something to tear you two apart. That's where Chris came in. Then Chris, ugh, he actually started to like you so that didn't work. And you turned down his offer for information. So you two are still together. Still in love. Then this douche.." He said kicking Jeffery's head with the toe of his shoe. "Shows up and fucks up everything the two of you haven't. So I'm here now to finish it the only way I know how. Violence."

I looked up at him with disbelief. "You honestly think she's going to marry you now?"

Ryan shook his head. "Of course not. She'll die too. I'll find someone who is even more desperate."

I felt a rush of anger rip through me. I kicked at the back of Ryan's knees, sending him crashing towards the ground. I reached for the gun but it was too far away and Ryan was too quick. He ripped my feet out from under me.

If I learned one thing from my dad, it was self defense.

Always self defense.

((A/N: woot woooottt!! And the drama unfolds!:) I'm being mean and teasing you guys haha my baaaddd! I still love you:) anyway vote and comment and all that shit.

Lovers youuu:)


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