Chapter 5

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-Hayley's POV-

"Stop Niall!" I laughed as I slapped playfully at his hand as he tried to change the radio station. "I want to listen to this song!"

"Well I don't!" he laughed loudly as his large hand gripped both my hands. I struggled to free one and pressed the pre-set button, changing it back. I laughed harder as Niall twisted his arm around me and tickled my side. I pleaded for him to stop but he refused.

"Dammit Niall! Fine! Change the god damned radio station." I teased as I pulled myself back into my seat.  I looked over to see Niall with a smirk plastered onto his face. His blue eyes shining behind his sunglasses.

"Thank you Baby. I was going to win anyway so it's a good thing you caved." he teased and I pushed his shoulder sending him dramatically into the window.

"I hate you."I laughed.

Niall shook his head. "Nope. You love me. Say it. Saaaaayy it."

I shook my head stubbornly. "Shut up."

"Make me." Niall smirked. How childish. He pulled my dad's truck over onto a dirt road, throwing it into park. "I dare you."  he said lowly, his lips mere inches away from mine.

I sat on the back porch steps letting the vodka intoxicate me further. I was completely numb now and I could barely see the images in front of me.


I turned around with the now almost empty bottle of vodka pressed to my lips. I looked up at the tall figure in front of me. His voice was soothing and caring.

"Niall?" my mouth mumbled.

I heard a chuckle fill the air as the man came closer until his hands gripped my arms, pulling me up in a wobbly stance.

"No. Not Niall. It's Chris."

"oh. Hi." I smiled despite the subconscious deep inside me telling me to run.

"Can you stand, on your own I mean?" Chris asked still assisting me.

I shook my head before dropping the glass bottle onto the grass with a soft thud.

"Let's get you to a wall or a chair or something." Chris laughed leading me across the lawn.

I shook my head, well at least tried too. "I think I should go."

I felt Chris' grip tighten. A little too tight. "No! I mean, everyone else is completely wasted. I think your best bet is to stay out here."

"But the music is still playing. Someone is still up. Matt doesn't drink much anyway. Surely he's sober." I took an uneasy step towards the frat house door, but again, Chris tightened his grip.

"Dammit Hayley! I mean, Hayley, sweetheart, you need fresh air. Let me stay out here with you." he cooed but I shook my head.

"I think I'll go find Niall." Surely he was inside. He wouldn't have left me.

"Hayley, baby, Niall isn't here." He said calmly.

What? Of course he was. How else did I get here and how was I to get home?

"Do you want me to take you to him?" He offered coolly and I nodded. I could faintly feel Chris' hand on my back, slowly making its way further and further down to my ass; but I couldn't stop it. I was too busy focusing on putting on foot in front of the other. Too busy thinking of Niall. Too busy to really think about anything but the person I was trying to forget.

We walked into the living room that stenched with BO and alcohol. Just like I suspected, people were still dancing. The walls were lined with collapsed bodies covered in their own vomit. I could still feel Chris' hand and I carefully reached behind me and moved his hand further up my back.

"Oh look, it's Matt. I'll just go ask him where Ni-"

"No!" Chris interrupted,  yet again. "I mean, let me get you upstairs and then I'll get Niall myself."

I shook my head. "Niall doesn't like you. and I don't blame him either." The alcohol inside me forced the words to fall from my lips before my slow clouded brain could catch up.

"Honestly,  I don't even know how I feel about this."

Chris stopped and looked me in the eyes. I couldn't read his emotions. I could barely stand.

"Hayley, you know I'd never do anything to hurt you. I really really like you Hayley. I care about you. Hell, I'd travel the world to help you. Climb mountains, swim the ocean, run through fire, you name it." His voice was low and I could feel the shift in the air between us. His face was inches away from mine.

I backed away a step and broke eye contact. I did not want anything to do with Chris. Nothing.

Just be careful.

He's majoring in Criminal Investigation.

He won't stop until he gets what he wants.

I heard he can be... abusive.

The warnings from all these other people I cared for and who cared for me. Everything came rushing back to me. The coffee shop. The way he pinned his hips against mine. The dorm room, how Niall pinned him against the wall. The library, the hotel, the words flying from his mouth just trying to get a rise out of Niall. The way he yelled at me but then corrected himself. The pizza delivery. The very first party.. it was in this very house.

I felt light headed and my feet stumbled down the stairs as I steppedd away. My hand gripped the railing and the wall. My body faltering forward.

"Hayley.. Hayley!" Chris shouted only a few feet behind me.

I forced myself away; to put more distance between us. Where was McKenna?  Or Matt? Or anybody really. Chris' fingers snaked around my wrist and jerked me back suddenly.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I screamed.

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