Chapter 6

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-Niall's POV-

Was this seriously what Hayley resorted to? The frat house was huge. Like huge, and I've seen huge. Hormonal teenagers grinded against each other with their alcohol in their hand. I pushed my way to the door. God, I hope this Matt kid isn't hard to find.

The inside of this frat house wasn't any better. It fucking reeked.

"Hey do you know where Matt or McKenna is?" I asked a guy with the same ridiculous polo Chris wore once.

"Probably in the kitchen. Just around the corner." He told me.

"Thanks." I called behind me. I was already half way there. I feel like this would be more fun if I was half as intoxicated as all these people.

The kitchen was crowded with coolers but not so much people. My eyes scanned the room.

Where the fuck are they?

"Oh my God! Matt shut up!" There was no mistaking; that was McKenna.

"McKenna?" I called out hoping someone turned around. I rounded the corner and nearly ran into a short brunette. "Oh McKenna,  hi."

Her big green eyes were even wider than usual. It took her a moment to register what exactly was going on. "Maaaatt!" She yelled angrily, glaring at me.

"Yeah?" A blonde buff guy about my height, a little shorter,   said as he ran to her side. I'm assuming it was Matt. Just a guess.

McKenna whirled around and I knew she was glaring at him like she was at me moments ago. "Why the fuck is he here?" She hissed trying not to be loud,  but failing miserably.

"He needs to be here." He hissed back.

"No he doesn't! She wanted to get away from him!" They were practically yelling at each other but in a strained hoarse voice. I was right beside them.  I could hear everything.

"It's better because He called and said that He's coming here."

"Wait not.. Him."

Matt nodded rapidly. His eyes were probably as wide as McKenna's. 

And who was this Him they were speaking of?

"Where's Hayley?" I asked them impatiently. Neither of them answered. "Well?!"I was losing my patience quickly.

"Get the fuck off of me!" A shrill called through the air; making everyone freeze.

I felt my pulse quicken. "Chris is here isn't he?"

"He wasn't invited that's for damn sure." McKenna called after me as I hurdled over coolers. My heart was pounding against my rib cage. If Chris lays one fucking finger on her, I swear to God,  I will fucking kill him this time.

I weaved through the people who were now catching on and moving out of the way.

"Chris! Let go!" The yell was louder, closer, now. I peered around the corner to see Hayley struggling to get free from Chris' grip around her waist.

"Hayley!" Both Hayley and Chris' eyes doubled in size.

"Niall? Niall, oh My god!" I broke into a sprint, making my feet carry me faster each time she said my name. They were almost to a door now, which was probably a side exit.

Chris stopped abruptly and reached behind his back. "Don't take another fucking step!" His arm was extended out towards me with a black object in his hand.

"Niall! Stop!" Hayley yelled frantically and I did. It was a god damned gun. Fuck.

"You take another step and I shoot." Chris stated. There was no bluff or hesitation inbhis voice and I didn't doubt him. My eyes exchanged to Hayley. Her eyes were bloodshot from the alcohol and wide with fear. Her hands gripped Chris' forearm that he had wrapped around her neck.

I thought back to nearly eleven months ago, to the signing. The signing that Hayley took the bullet for me. The day I met her. The day that changed everything in my life. Even though it seemed sometimes like it was more of a stuggle to continue,  it was always for the better. She brought out the worst and the best in me. Hayley caused me to do so much more than  I could imagine. She did more for me than I ever thought imaginable.

"shoot me. I don't care." He said and meant it. My eyes shifted to meet Hayley's tearful ones. "I'll be returning the favor." And I took one more step.

"Wait!" Chris shouted, stopping me in my tracks. His crazy eyes shifting from mine to Hayley'dls and back again. A wild smile spread across his face. He lowered the gun away from me and I let out a small sigh of relief which was only sucked  in again when he pointed it towards Hayley's head.

"Take another step and I'll shoot her."

"No you won't." I said still frozen.

Chris cocked his head to the side. "Try me?"

I reluctantly took a step back. "Thought so." Chris smirked and then took one step outside.

"No! Niall don't give in!" Hayley called as she kicked her legs frantically. I couldn't move. I was stuck watching her kick and claw at Chris before she sent him slamming into the door closing it shut. Adrenaline took over and I ran to the door and tried to push it open. It wouldn't budge.


I froze. Was that I gunshot?

"Hayley?" I yelled through the door. "Hayley! Hayley?!" I continued to scream as I pushed my body against the stuck door.
Open God dammit!

I threw myself against the door one final time, sending it flying open. My throat constricted and I couldn't breath as I looked at the mess in front of me.


((cliff hangerrrrr oops!;) haha Don't worry I'll update tomorrow probably.  I won't leave you hanging too long:) vote, comment,  ily xxx))

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