Chapter 17

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-Hayley's POV-

"Come here." Matt demanded as he gripped my arm and tugged me behind the Rec Center.

The blood pounded in my ears and my heart was beating so hard I swear it could have shattered my rib cage. I waited while Matt peeked his head around the corner.

"He acts as if he's waiting for someone." He said quietly. I knew Chris was far enough that he wouldn't hear us conversing,  but close enough that it was necessary to be cautious.

"Like who?" I asked. Chris was a popular guy but after that night of the party, people slowly started to keep their distance.

Matt shrugged and turned back to me. "I don't know but there's no way we can make it past him. We can either completely skip lunch and go to class or go off campus. When's your next class start?"

I mentally ran through my schedule. I would have leadership at one and it was already a quarter til. My stomach rumbled loudly again, reminding me of my hunger. Matt tried to cover his smile but failed.

"I have missed too many of my leadership classes. I have to go. I'll pick up a donut. or something at the coffee shop." I sighed.

"But Hayley..."

"Matt really. You can go ahead and eat. I'll probably see you again tonight anyway, won't I?" I teased.

Matt let out a sigh. "Yeah, you more than likely will."

I smiled to thank him for not making me continue to argue with him.

"At least let me check for the psychopath." Matt smirked before turning his back to me again. I heard him suck in a deep breath as he peered around the corner.

"What?" I asked impatiently. He point his index finger in the air, asking for my silence. I was slightly annoyed but decided to cooperate. Just then my phone started ringing loudly from my back pocket. I scrambled to fetch the phone to put an end to the death glare I was receiving from Matt.

I froze when I saw the name flashing across the screen. I looked at Matt with fearful eyes that matched his own.

"Don't answer." He said sternly.

"What the hell am I supposed to do just let it ring?" I hissed.

Matt shook his head violently. "He's coming this way! Reject it!"

"That'll just egg him on!" I was starting to panic. Chris is not at all what I needed right now. I needed to be alone. Away. By myself.

"C'mon." Matt ushered me forward to around the other side of the Rec Center. When we turned the corner safely,  Matt turned me back to face him. He looked me straight in the eye and his jaw was set. "Go straight to your classes and then back to the dorm. Keep an eye out for him and do not, under any circumstances, stop and talk to him or anybody else from the frat."

Normally I would slap him and tell him I'd do what I want, just like I would with Niall, but the pain stricken memories flashed across my mind again.

I'll shoot her.

I shuddered and nodded my head at Matt. He kept his grip on my arms a while longer before finally letting go and turning his head around  the corner.

"I mean it, Hayley."

"I know. I get it." I told him calmly despite the overwhelming urge to break down and cry. I didn't want to go to class. I wanted to go home. I wanted to get on a plane, fly across the ocean, and jump into Niall's arms as he assured me nothing would happen to me. That I'd be safe as long as he was there with me.

Matt nodded and brought me in for a hug. We had grown much closer since that night.  he sorta  became the older brother that I never had. "Good luck." And with that he casually walked towards the cafeteria.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and started walking as fast as I could towards my next hall. I kept my head down, looking up occasionally hoping not to make eye contact with anyone I didn't want. I pulled out my phone and started recording myself.

"Hey babe! I miss you so so much!" I felt weird talking to myself but I didn't care. "I hope everything is going great for you. How are the shows? I know you love touring but I can't wait until it settles down so I can have you beside me again. I miss you so so so much I can't even explain. I still have two more classes so this is gonna be short. Text me when you can okay? I love you! tell your family and the other boys hi for me. Talk to you soon. Buh-bye." I blew a kiss to the lens and sent the message.

It sorta relaxed me a little bit. Just knowing that he was still trying. I exhaled slowly when I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, followed by my default ringtone.

I stopped when I saw the same name taking up the large screen of my phone. I looked around but saw no one. I let the phone continue to ring and rounded the corner to the hall entrance when I felt my face slam into something solid and smelled like Ralph Lauren cologne. I pulled back and my stomach flipped again.

"Miss me?"



((ahhh I'm so sorry for another cliffhanger buuuuuuttt! anyway I got sick while writing in the car so I couldn't update and my aunt doesn't have WIFI. anyway please continue to vote and comment. if you'd like to recommend this story to anyone PLEASE FEEL FREE. you can follow my instagram: @/justaniallgirl for some updates on what I'm doing and some Nayley photos. Vote and comment!!!! thank you ilysm xxx))

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