Chapter 10

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-Hayley's POV-

My pulse throbbed against my temple as I slowly removed myself from my sleeping position. My neck was stiff and my back ached. I snuck a glance at who had rolled onto his side and hugged an extra pillow tightly.

I needed to shower. Not only because it was Valentine's Day but also because I still had the scent of BO and booze covering my body. How did Niall put up with this stench all night?

Valentine's Day. I have never been a big fan of this holiday. Basically all it was was an excuse for couples to have sex or the cause of another argument when someone forgot. And as for me, I did not have a present. Niall and I hadn't really planned on spending Valentine's Day together, it just happened to work out that way. I felt awful about it. I was going to get him a gift but.. I wasn't planning on shopping until everything had gone on sale.

I shook the though out of my head as I started to gather all of my necessities for the day. Id have to walk down to the community bathrooms down the hall. Great. With my clothes and toiletries in my hand, I walked carefully over to the door, trying. not to disturb Niall. Unfortunately I failed. My foot caught one of McKenna's stray bags, sending me collapsing into the wall with a loud, obnoxious noise.

Niall shot up from his position and stared at me with confusion. "What are you doing out of bed?" He asked.

I could feel  my cheeks burning. "I need to shower." I explained, holding up my toiletry bag for emphasis.

His forehead wrinkled and he arched an eyebrow. "Okayy.." he said slowly. "Can least put on pants. I don't feel comfortable with you roaming the halls with no bra or pants. Boys allowed or not."

I laughed at my stupidity and reached for a pair or grey sweatpants and pulled them over my legs. "It's an all girl floor."

"I doubt that shit is enforced very strictly." Niall teased before leaning back on his elbows.

He wasn't wrong. I had caught a few guys in there with their, erm, lady friend a few times. However, there was no way in hell I was going to confess that to my boyfriend. My jealous, over protective, worried boyfriend.

"I'll be back." I promised and slipped out the door,  down the hall.


I pulled the thin curtain closed. It was the only thing keeping my body veing exposed to the entire women's college population. I gently massaged the suds into my hair. I had no idea what I was going to do today. I had no idea what Niall would even want to do. He would probably have to go back to the UK sometime today, which only made things worse. How was I to make this holiday anymore special than any in the past?

I pulled the towel from its hanging position and dried myself  off.

Maybe we could.. no.

"Fuck." I groaned aloud and pulled a shirt over my head.

I am by far the shittiest girlfriend ever.

-Niall's POV-

"Do you think there is anyway that I ca. head back home tomorrow?" I asked praying for a yes.

"I don't know Niall. It would be cutting it kinda close."

"I have like three more days off afterwards!" I pointed out.

"But we want you to be rested up before tour starts up again." Paul explained.

I held my forehead in my hand, my elbows resting on my knees. "It's freaking Valentine's Day. Louis and Liam and Zayn are all with their girls. Why can't I be?"

I heard a sigh in the other line. Signalling that I had made a prominent point.

"One more day. One more day and I will be on the next decent times flight in the morning." I added.

"One. More. Night." Paul sighed into the receiver and I silently cheered. "Do not make me regret this, Horan."

"I won't Paul. I swear it. Thank you. I owe you!"

"Damn right you do." He teased and hung up.

I junped up and down and clapped my hands together excitedly.  I was sure that my pleas would have been shot down without any hesitation.

"Did I miss something?" I turned around to see Hayley smiling. She was wearing my shirt from last night again and towel on her head. Yet, she still looked flawless. Not a trace of makeup on her face, it reminded me of all the times we spent together. Back when we practically lived together and occasionally with Logan at her dad's. God how I missed those days.

"Oh nothing." I said despite the heat in my cheeks. "How long will it take you to get ready?"

She shrugged and pulled her hair loose from the towel. "An hour or so. Not too long as long as you don't distract me. Why?"

I walked closer and pulled her in for a small hug. "I have plans for the day."

I watched as her snile twisted into a frown. "oh."

"What's wrong?" I asked tipping her chin up.

"Nothing. I just.. I feel kinda bad honestly."

"What? why?"

She refused to make eye contact, inspecting the floor beneath us. "I.. I haven't.. well, exactly,  got you anything. Yet."

I tried not to smile. Instead I just pulled her into a hug as she swatted my chest. "Babe, forget about the presents. just bring your drop dead sexy self." I winked abd I could have sworn a heard a small laugh.


((Hahaaa.. wow this is probably the shittiest update ever. I haven't exactly figured out what I want them to do for Valentine's day yet so I'm putting that off. so sorry for making you wait. ugh, I'm so so so busy. hopefully the bext update will be sooner than later! so sorry! I love you ! xxx ))

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