Chapter 97

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-Hayley's POV-

After walking in at the late hour of four in the morning, or early depending on how you look at it, I dragged my intoxicated self into the bedroom. Niall stumbled in probably a good hour after I did. I woke up the next morning to a pounding on the door followed by Matt telling me I needed to get ready. I was still dressed in my skimpy attire from last night and I smelled like a micture of every alcohol known to mankind. .

"Yeah, give me another hour of sleep!" I called out as I buried my face deeper into the plush pillow, smearing the remains of my make up onto the white material.

Matt laughed, "Hayley, it's nearly one in the afternoon."

My neck snapped over to look at my alarm clock. Sure enough it was five 'til. I let out a loud groan, partly because I had to get up now and also partly because my brain felt like it was being torn into while being stabbed in fifteen different places. I knew nursing a hangover a the day before my wedding was not a good idea but alas.

I extended my arm out to the side, in search of Niall, but instead I only found the bed empty. I let out a huff of annoyance. I could have sworn he came in last night. Where the hell was he?

Just on cue, the bathroom door opened and out walked a half naked, wet haired Niall. He winced at the sun streaming through the open window as he ran the towel through his hair. The white boxers were tight against his bum and if I didn't feel like total shit, I would have offered a blow job to start the day but alas, I felt like shit.

"Morning," I muttered, still not leaving my spot on the bed.

"Afternoon," He returned without a smile. I didn't question it, he probably felt just as bad, if not worse, than I did, "the shower is free. Your mom made lunch but I'm not going out there until I get something to help this fucking headache."

I grunted and slowly pulled myself up right. I winced as the bedside drawer squeaked. Fetching the pill bottle and dry swallowing a couple before tossing it to Niall. "I'm assuming you had fun?"

Niall smiled, ever so slightly, "Yeah, I had fun. I don't remember most of it so I can't give you too much on the details."

"What do you remember?"

"Taking shots of Everclear with Lou and Harry being a total twat when it came to strippers."

"He was being a twat?" I asked with bubbling laughter.

"It objectified women."

I laughed and shook my head slightly, "I always loved that about Harry."

"Yeah, well don't tell him that." I raised an eyebrow at his small hint of hostility. I decided not to question it. I didn't need, nor did I want, an arguement today. My head ached and I was not wanting to be borne with the memory of fighting on the eve of our wedding.

I got to my feet, collecting some comfortable clothing to change into after I finished my shower. I stopped in the dooorway, my hand resting on the frame. I looked over my shoulder to see Niall pulling a pair of jeans over his ass. I smiled to myself. So much time had passed, so many years, so much drama and commotion, yet here in a room that I shared with the man, was Niall.

"I love you," I said just loud enough for him to hear.

Niall whirled around and stared at me for a moment. I couldn't read his expression. It looked a little surprised, shocked even. Then next thing I knew, he was a step away from me, his arms extended. His fingertips barely brushing the skin on my wrists. The sudden company, took away all the air in my lungs. His eyes were clear and his thin pink lips curved into a smile despite the hangover. Hs cupped my cheek, his fingers tucking stray hairs behind my ear.

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