Chapter 41

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-Hayley's POV-

The loud whistles filled the air around me which was soon replaced by the roar of fans cheering. I stood on the sideline of the basketball court next to Bryson as the players rushed back ans forth. I pulled the sleeves of my black and white trainer jacket further up my arms and slid my hands into my jean pocket. It wasn't the first time I had worked a basketball game, but it was, without a doubt, the busiest. Two players had already limped over with a twisted ankle and another I had just taped up and he was now pedaling on the bike close by.

"Never gets old does it?" Bryson asked when he noticed me glance around the large circular auditorium.

I nodded my head and smiled. "This is what I want to do with my life." I told him and he nodded along.

"Yeah, me too. That's why I'm here." He shrugged as his eyes watched the orange ball being passed around the gym floor.

"There's nothing better than this." I sighed and took another glance around me.

Bryson's face twisted into a crooked grin and he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know about that. I mean, there's no better job than this, but being home with the person you love is always better."

Bryson had never talked about having a girlfriend before. I could feel my curiosity taking over. "You're seeing someone?" I asked.

Bryson smiled sadly and he slowly shook his head. "Well, not exactly."

Oh shit.

"Her name was Krista. She died last year." He said with little emotion behind his voice but I could see that he was fighting back the tears that lurked behind his brown eyes. "She was killed in a drive by."

I could hear myself gasp over the loud crowd surrounding me. A drive by? Like a shooting?

"We had just come out from a small diner downtown. It wasn't exactly in the best part of the neighborhood but I didn't think it would take us so long to get our food. Krista was being a little.. well frisky I guess." He laughed lightly and I could see a brightness shine from his eyes at the use of her name. "She wanted to get out of the diner because, well you know, and then it was dark outside and she was a little scared. Not that she'd admit it to me.

Well, anyway, we walked out of the diner and started walking towards my car, we took only four steps before a cheap black stratus started to drive down the road. I could see the men sitting in the front seat and I just got a bad feeling. I remember reaching out towards Krista to pull her closer to me but she was too far ahead of me. Next thing I knew there was two gunshots that echoed down the small streets. The tires squealed against the asphalt as they peeled out and I saw Krista stumble and fall against the rough brick building of the diner. People scattered screaming but I couldn't hear anything. I just kneeled there with Krista in my arms. They shot her in her stomach and really close to her heart. I tried to apply pressure to the wound but I was so shocked. I did the only thing I knew what to do. I told her I loved her and that no one would ever replace her. With her last few breathes she managed to tell me that she loved me too and not to blame myself."

I was staring at the ceiling now, trying to keep the tears at bay. Bryson sniffed through his nose and cleared his throat. I don't understand how he could compose himself so well. I cried just thinking about all the mistakes I have made.

"I went into a really deep and dark depression for a long time, but then one day, I decided that I didn't want to be sad anymore. I knew that Krista wouldn't want me to act this way. She'd want me to be happy and go out and have fun like I used to. So I went to counseling and eventually I was able to get past the pain." Bryson shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, it hurts everyday. It hurts like hell. But I'm starting to feel like myself again. I'm learning to live with her death."

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