Chapter 26

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-Hayley's POV-

I could see the water tower get closer and closer as Niall continued to drive down the curvy road. The  old bridge creaked under the tires just as we passed the city limits sign. My anger and annoyance from early this morning turned into more nerves. I was not ready for any arguing that would occur.

"What did your mom say when you called?" Niall asked turning onto the main road.

I shrugged. "She didn't sound too thrilled but she appreciated the call. So she says."

"Maybe things will go better this time?"

"Or maybe not." I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

Niall sighed quietly. "Well you better hope so because here we are." He pointed his finger towards the familiar gray house. I felt a knot form in my stomach and prepared myself for the worse.

I got out of the car and joined Niall in walking up the sidewalk. He had his hands shoved in his jeans pockets and walked a whole stride ahead of me. "Niall, hold on." I called, reaching for his arm.

My hand twisted with his sleeve and pulled him back. My lips crashed onto his. He seemed taken aback by my sudden actions. His hands up in the air as I gripped onto his torso, desperately trying to get him closer. I couldn't go through this on my own and unless we could get to some sort of common ground, Mom and Ryan would tear us apart. Besides, I missed him and I needed him. Hesitantly, Niall lowered his hands and found the small of my back. His lips loosened and allowed my entrance, followed by his own.

"I'm sorry." I breathed, breaking away.

Niall smiled and let out a small chuckle. "It's okay. I am too. I didn't mean to come off demanding or anything. I just really really don't want you anywhere near him."

"I know that.." I sighed and looked down at the ground. "But, you should know that my considering isn't over. It's not that easy."

Niall let out an annoyed sigh. "We can continue this later. We have a bigger battle waiting inside that house of yours."

I was glad that we were trying to talk this out and find some sort of common ground together. It was comforting in a way. Even if the comfort only remained for today, it was better than having none at all.

I knocked on the front door and waited not so patiently for someone to open the door. Niall traced soothing circles on the back of my hand. I could hear heavy footsteps running across the floorboards and Mom yelling. I held my breath as the front door slowly started to open to reveal a wide eyed Logan.

"Hayley! Niall! Hey!" He screamed and wrapped his arms around each of us. "Get in here!"

He took one of each our hands into his own and pulled us in through the doorway. The walls held a few more pictures than they had last time I was here and I had Logan to thank for that. My grip around Niall's hand tightened when my mother came into my view. She looked the same. Her hair was pulled into a bun and wore her make up just right. She was wearing a jumpsuit. She was probably planning on running later.

"Hi Mom." I choked out with a small smile.

"Good to see you again, Ms. Hunter." Niall offered a small wave of his free hand.

"Likewise Niall." She said with a fake smile. "Are you two hungry? I just finished making fish."

I shook my head. "I'm okay anyway. I don't know about Niall.." I trailed off looking up at him. He shook his head slowly.

"We ate before we came here." He lied. I wouldn't blame him. my mother was obviously on a health kick, which never ended well for anyone else in the house.

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