Chapter 32

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-Niall's POV-

I watched as Hayley stirred momentarily in my arms as the sunlight teased at her eyes. I twisted the ends of her tangled blonde hair between my fingers and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Her eyelaskes cast tiny shadows on her cheeks. Her lips were parted slightly and  her arms were still wrapped around me. I had missed being this close to her. I really hated feeling so distant to her when I could reach out and my fingertips were able to brush her smooth skin that was now pale from the winter. Before long it would return to its tan complection like I had met her. I smiled to myself.

Last night she had said that I had saved her, saved her from herself. I wasn't sure what that meant but I knew it held some sort of emotional meaning that she rarely, if ever, shared with another individual. Is it possible that I could be responsible for something so extensive and astounding? I cringed at the thought of never meeting this stubborn, sassy, caring, and completely memorizing girl that I held in my arms. Where would I be? Would I still be running around getting drunk at pub's during every break I got? Or would I have wasted my time and heart on another girl that could never measure up tot someone as brilliant as Hayley? The answer was honestly something that I would never know and had no intention on finding out.

Here we were, nearly a year together, and even though we had been through hell we always found a way back to each other. We always found our way through the maze of life filled with hatred and sabotage. We always ended up here, in each other's arms: the only place of refuge. If you would have told me I'd be dating a fan, from America of all places, and we managed to make through all the shit we had been through, I would have laughed in your face and say you were drunk and in need of mental care.

One year... holy shit.

There was one thing nagging at my mind now: marriage. Could I see myself marrying Hayley?

Of course you dumbfuck.

That was a no brainer. A better question would be how would we make it work? Would Hayley willingly move to Ireland with me like I always assumed, or would she insist on staying here in America. Honestly, I feel like I could manage where ever life brought me. It was my family that I was worried about. Mum and Dad would want to be close to the grandkids. They already lost me all these years. Not being a part of the kids' lives would probably crush their very souls.

Would Hayley want to work? Definitely. If she didn't want to work, she wouldn't be going to college right now. She'd be out finding a job to pay fro the bills until she found some guy to be a trophy wife too.  I shuddered at the thought of Hayley belonging to anyone else. It was too soon.

I let out a sigh and pushed the thoughts aside. Now was no time to think of such things. Just last night I was throwing myself around in anger and fear that she may leave me. We have a lot more ahead of us to take on before a future is even considered.

"Hayleyyy..." I fragged out and shook the petite blonde in my arms delicately. She groaned in protest and buried her face further into my chest. "Hayley Mayyy.." I teased.

"Whaaat?" She groaned turning away from me and pulling the covers over her head. 

"Don't you want to wake up and get ready for another glorious day on planet Earth?" I laughed attempting to pull the covers back from her face.

"No! I want to go back to sleep and never leave this bed." That sounded promising to me but I knew that that wasn't one of the options.

"I know you're tired and all. I mean how many times did we go at it last night?" I teased pulling her closer as she struggled to keep her distance. I knew she was smiling and fighting back a laugh under those covers.

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