Chapter 46

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-Hayley's POV-

I scanned through the thin shirts that hung limply on hangers. I had spent the last four days going shopping with McKenna and I had still found nothing. What the hell does one wear to go clubbing? McKenna had gone with Matt once of twice before so she had a better grasp on the idea than I did, which is why I forced her to come along.

Of course, McKenna had no objections to me allowing her to dress me in something scandalous.

"Are you wanting a dress or a skirt?" McKenna called from across the store. "Or pants?"

I thought over the options in my head. I really had no idea. On one hand skirts or dresses would be eaiser to discard at the end of the night, whereas on the other, pants gave me a barrier from any other drunk horny asshole.

"What do you recommend?" I asked pushing a  few stray hairs out of my face.

McKenna's face twisted in thought. Her green eyes scanning down my thin body as she pursed her lips. I was well aware that my body was not what it used to be. My arms that had once had muscles from sports had diminished into thin limbs. My hipbones and collarbones had one time been hidden and now they stuck out like a sore thumb.

I guess that's what happens when you puke more often than not.

Yes, I had slipped back into my terrible habit. I was never able to admit it to myself, let alone anyone else. But now, now I had to; it was too obvious.

"Something that will boost that tiny bust of yours." McKenna said snapping me out of thoughts. "You have long legs, Hay, show them off!"

I glanced down at my legs that were covered with jeans. It was over seventy degrees outside but I despised my legs so I hide them. They were too skinny. Too chicken like compared to what they had once been.

"Don't lie," I said simply and continued to look at all the skimpy clothing.

"Hayley, baby, really!" McKenna exasperated. "Yes, you have lost a lot of weight. Usually people gain weight in college, but not you. That's okay. You have something going for you. Like your collarbones,"

Instinctly I brought my hand to the collar of tee shirt and tugged it up.

"Something low cut so Niall can see those. And you don't have a muffin top like most people do, so get something that will fit your figure, which you have believe it or not. Can you walk in heels?"

McKenna had fired too many things at me for my brain to process.




I glanced at McKenna who held a blank impatient stare, "Oh, uhm, yeah, pretty well." I stuttered adjusting the strap of my bag.

If I hadn't slipped back into my habit, I wouldn't have any of those things. I've have more fat on my bones and I would not stand out in a crowd. I wouldn't stand out now.

McKenna seemed to notice the battle raging in my head and walked closer to me. Her hand slipped over mine, stopping me from shuffling through the clumsy hangers. "hey," she smiled sympathetically. "just remember that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. You're there to please Niall and you have managed to turn him into a horny little fucker every time he sees you. He loves you and that's all that matters."

Her compliment seemed to help a little. Niall was the only one that mattered. He somehow managed to love me through whatever stage my body was going through.

"Besides," McKenna added softly. "once I'm done with you, Niall will be fighting off every single male in that club off of you."

-Niall's POV-

"What do you mean you have never taken her clubbing?" Liam asked completely appauled by my confession.

I lifted my shoulder in a shrug. "I never took her out clubbing. Over the summer we were early into the relationship and we usually stayed home and did our own thing. Then recently, well, we've either been fighting or .. erm... you know." I stuttered as heat flooded my cheeks, turning them a bright pink.

"Fucking?" Louis said bluntly and I nodded.

"Clubbing is like the sexiest thing in the world," Harry inputted from his bunk across from me. "It's basically sex for the eyes."

"That's porn, you idiot." Zayn corrected slapping his left cheek in the process. Harry winced at the impact and rubbed the reddening skin before flipping Zayn off.

"What I mean is, it gets both of you worked up before any clothing is taken off." Harry said glaring at Zayn but referring to me.

"No foreplay," Louis piped as he tossed his phone onto his chest.

"You're ready, she's ready," Liam continued.

"You get her out of that musty club air and fuck her in the car," Louis grinned like he was reliving a memory.

"And usually you have more fun in the hotel," Zayn added.

I was aware that going to a club was as close to sex that was allowed in public, but I wasn't fond of the idea. There wasn't just us, there was other men there too. Men that wanted a piece of ass and that sure as hell would not be my Hayley.

"Fuck, three more days," I exhaled as I reclined back onto my bunk.

"Don't get too excited," Liam teased. "Save that for Hayley."

I rolled my eyes and flipped them all off. No wonder every woman thinks all men are pigs.


I rolled out of bed with a sigh and walked into the bathroom. The countdown was slowly decreasing. Two days. Two days and I was back where I belonged.

Two days and Hayley was back in my arms.

Two days and Hayley was in my bed.

Two days.

Two. Days.

I let out a yawn before slipping back out to where the rest of the boys were. Liam and Harry were up front with the driver while Zayn continued to sleep in his bunk. Louis was sitting against the wall eating some sort of breakfast sandwich.

"Good for you to join us, lad." Louis teased as I collapsed into the seat next to him. "Two more days,"

I smiled. "Two more long, torturous, distant days,"

((A/N: Hey guys, I know this chapter is really boring and such. It's a fill in chapter. The next one is where the fun begins:) Thank you again so much for all your patience and comments and votes. It means so much to me. And for those of you who have recommended my story, thank you extra! I love you:)

So yeah, that's basically it.

Vote and Comment!!!:))

Ilysm xxx

Oh and by the way, this story is rated R now, idk this chapter made it R so apparently talking about sex is frowned up? haha oh well))

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