Chapter 28

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-Hayley's POV-

I sat at a table for two in the local café that I had worked at all through high school, a cup of coffee set in front of me. The guy I was planning to meet with for rent, seemed nice enough over the phone. I had gone into past records and he seemed to have nothing but good comments said about him. He always kept the house in good condition, no pets, no family, and no noise complaints. Not that the noise and pets really mattered for a house in the middle of nowhere.

I heard the bell above the door ring, signaling another customer. I took a drink of my steaming beverage as my eyes studied the paper in front of me.

"Do you know a, uhm, Hayley Turner?" A masculine voice spoke from behind me. I heard my former employer, Sandy, respond and I could see her pointing in my general direction out of the corner of my eye. The figure loomed over me, his shadow casting down of the entire table and all of its contents. I raised my eyes to meet his own. He looked a little older than my mother's age but much younger than Ryan. He was quite attractive given his age and graying hair. He smiled and a light shown brightly in his eyes, reminding me of the light that once shown in my own father's.

I got to my feet and extended out my hand. "Hi, I'm Hayley Turner." I introduced as his calloused hand covered mine in a firm handshake.

"Jeffery Donner, but call me Jeff, please, I insist." He spoke politely. I liked him already. He spoke to me with a tone of respect and gratitude unlike the tone Ryan used when he spoke to me.

"Okay, well Jeff.." I smiled warmly taking my original seat. "Please take a seat. Can I get you something to drink? I recommend their coffee or tea."

"Coffee does sound fantastic." He agreed as I caught Sandy's attention.

Jeff and I continued small talk as we sipped at our coffee before finally getting to the point of this arrangement. "Okay, the original intention of this meeting was to discuss rental agreements?" I asked with clarification even though I knew the answer.

Jeff nodded and patted the corners of his mouth with a napkin before speaking. "Yes, I saw the house online and I adored it. I have always wanted to live in a house surrounded by natural. I've grown up in the city my entire life and now my job allows me flexibility and I want to take advantage of that by getting a place to live away from the hustle and bustle."

I nodded in acknowledgement. "I don't blame you. I'm not one for the city." I commented reading over a paper for the thousandth time. "So you don't have any pets or animals?"

"Nope. I would love too if it was possible. My work has never had stability and now I have that as well."

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what do you do for a living?"

Jeff smiled. "Oh, it's no problem really. I used to work for a publishing company. I was an editor but I have resigned since my dream of becoming an author had taken off."

I raised my brow in fascination. "You write?"

Jeff nodded proudly. "Yes. I wrote the Committed series."

I smiled in awe. That was, by far, my favorite series. "No way! I love your work." I praised and Jeff blushed with embarrassment.

"Well, thank you. I would be lying if I said that I hope that doesn't make you sway your opinion on letting me live in your house." He joked with a chuckle.

I waved my hand in the air. "Oh, please. I was planning on giving you the place as soon as you asked. I figured, I'd make you sweat a little anyway." I laughed and Jeff joined in.

"Well thank you so much for meeting me today. Here's the keys and I hope you enjoy it." I smiled handing the keys to my father's house in Jeff's hand. "If you have any questions, feel free to contact me."

"Thank you again. This is literally a dream come true. You have no idea." Jeff smiled as he admired the house. The smile on his face showed how much this meant to him and even though my heart ached with the loss, it swelled being able to help someone achieve their dream; even if it was a small one.

"I might." I smiled as I thought of my boyfriend who was anxiously waiting for me to pick him up from downtown. "I'm going to be going now. Like I said, contact me with any questions." I waved as I crawled into my shitty car and started for downtown.


Niall's arm wrapped around me as I cuddled into his side. His fingers fumbled absent mindedly with my belly button ring, occasionally tracing my tattoo located closely next to it. I stared at the TV and explained the greatness of the Disney movie to Niall.

"I'm just saying, a horror movie would be so much better than this." He teased.

I rolled my eyes. "You wouldn't know a good movie if it hit you in the face with a ten foot sign saying I'm a fucking fantastic movie."

"Anchorman is a great movie."

"And I agree."

"So why aren't we watching that?" Niall asked stubbornly.

I laughed to myself at his agitation. "Because I want to watch this one. And there's nothing you can do about it."

Niall raised an eyebrow at me. "Nothing?"

"Not a single thing." I countered with an innocent smile.

His hand slipped underneath my shirt, stopping just below my bra line. "Are you sure about that?" He whispered in my ear, making me squirm slightly, which he noticed. "Because I know you." His hot breath fanned against my sensitive skin on my neck. His lips brushed  lightly as goose bumps rose over my skin. "Still wanna watch that ridiculous movie?"

I tried to fight the feelings and muttered a "yes" stubbornly.

Niall left a trail of wet kisses along the side of my neck, starting low and working his way up, before sucking just below my ear. His tongue left a hot wet strip against the sensitive skin before sucking at it once again. His hand cupping my breast over my bra. A stifled moan escaped from my lips involuntary and I mentally cursed myself.

Niall smirked against my skin. "I win. Just stop fighting it."

With a heavy sigh I lifted myself from my position and crawled onto Niall's lap. One knee at each side, straddling his body, as my tongue pushed against his own. I gripped the end of his tee shirt and pulled it over his head, before connecting our lips again. His rough hands pushed further up the material of my tee shirt, his hands greedily grabbing my breasts.

The heated moment fueled by the hormones and passion coursing through our veins. My love for him burning like a fire. My want growing and aching between my thighs as his hands dropped to my ass. My fingers tugged roughly at his hair, earning a moan into the kiss.

I smirked against his lips before his caught my lower lip between his teeth. He began to tug at my shirt when my phone started ringing abruptly.

"Ignore it." I said breathlessly, not wanting my need to go unsatisfied. "It can wait." I pulled his lips back to mine. His arms pulled me as close to him as possible.

"This has been put off for too long." Niall mumbled and I could feel him hardening. I nodded in agreement, reaching from his top button. Only to be disrupted again by the same obnoxious ringing.

"What the hell?" I groaned planning to ignore it again.

"Make them stop so we can continue." Niall advised reaching for my phone on the table. His eyes glued to the screen and his brow lowered into a scowl. "Why the fuck is he calling you?!" He shouted as I took the phone out of his name. I took one look at the name on the screen and all the sick torturous feelings returned to my stomach.

((Hey I don't know when my next update will be because I have family here and I didn't want you have to wait another week. That's why I updated. Uhm, please don't forget to vote and comment... please? okay, yeah. And I dedicated this chapter to a particular reader because she has voted and commented on basically every chapter and every Nayley picture I post on insta. So please go check her profile out:) She's a sweetheart. I'm going to start dedicating to readers that I notice are active. Yes, there are more of you and I plan on getting you one in a later chapter so please, stay calm okay;) VOTE AND COMMENt ilysm xxx))

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