Chapter 34

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-Hayley's POV-

My head was aching from watching the scene play out in front of me. Here I was, with Niall, patiently waiting for Jeffrey to show up so we could figure all this renting stuff out and then return back to the hotel. Then, out of nowhere,  my mother shows up. and talks to us.. willingly? Not to mention that she's smiling and laughing more than I have seen in as long as I can remember.

my head shifted between Jeff and my mom. They had literally met each other half an hour ago and they had not stopped talking. My mom hardly even spoke anymore, and if she did it was nagging. non stop nagging.

"Well, I hate to end this little getting to know you session, " my mom smiled shifting the take out boxes between her hands. "but my son is at home and I should really deliver the child his food."

Jeffrey smiled warmly, causing the wrinkles around his eyes to appear. "You have a son?"

"Yeah, he's thirteen."

"Oh, a teenager. I bet he's furious that he doesnt have that luxurious food you've got there. " Jeff teased causing my mom to laugh.

"Probably. But I guess I'll see you around?  since you're renting here." Mom inferred and Jeff nodded.

"I guess so. Bye, Lana."

A small giggle eacaped her lips at the mention of her name. "Goodbye Jeff. And Hayley, Niall, will you be stopping by again some time?"


"I uh.." I stuttered. I felt like I had been hit in the head with a baseball bat.

"We'll try to stop by again sometime before I have to leave again." Niall inputted quickly.  I squeezed his hand under the table in a sign of thanks. Anything that would have came out of my mouth would not have been coherent.

my mother nodded with a smile. "Well just let me know. bye." i watched with an open jaw as she walked down to her car.

What is even going on?

Thankfully Jeff saved me from my mind going into turbo mode, which would only result in a migraine. "Anyway, what I called you down to ask about was this room in the house."

Shit. I thought. How could I forget?

"It looks like an office room, from the outside anyway. The door is locked and I was wondering if it was to be left alone or something happened."

I cleared my throat and I could feel myself starting to panic. I hated talking about Dad. It still made me emotional. Niall's thumb ran over my knuckles, trying to give as much support nas he could without drawing attention. 

"I have it locked for a reason." I managed to put into words. "im sorry for not telling you. I cant believe I forgot. But you see it was my dad's office. He passed on a little less than a year ago."

Jeff's face dropped instantly and his eyes grew wide. "I am so sorry!" he gaped. "It's perfectly fine. I was just going to make it into a library or something but I completely understand.  I am so sorry. I made you drive all this way just for you to have to explain yourself to me."

I shook my head. "No it's okay, really. I should have remembered."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. really. It's perfectly fine." I stammered despite the aching inside my hallow chest.

"Well I'll just put these away then." Jeff stammered as he shoved white crisp papers into pocket.

I raised an eyebrow in utter confusion. "What were those?"

"Nothing. there were proposals in case you had not meant to lock the door. Like I said, I wanted to turn it into a library but forget that. it's fine." Jeff shook his head rapidly and offered a smile.

-Niall's POV-

I glanced over at Hayley. She was breathing hard. A lot harder than she probably thought she was. Her right knee bounced up and down as he fidgeted in her seat. Her hair was a scattered wild mess, similar to her sex hair, from running her fingers through it again and again.

I knew what was going on inside that head of hers. Panic. It had been about ten months since Derek's passing. Almost a year had passed and it was hitting Hayley like a ton of bricks to the chest. I could see the guilt and concern swallowing Jeffery's face. His wrinkles deepened and his eyes were wide as he stared at the panicking girl in front of him. The panic he had caused.

"I hate to be a pain in the ass," I spoke up and placed my hand on Hayley's fidgeting knee. "but if that's all you need, I think it would be best if he all head back."

Jeffery nodded his head and quickly rose to his feet. He was a tall lad, not much taller than I but enough for me to look up at him. He extended his hand out to me and I accepted his gesture. "I am so sorry. Thank you, though, for taking the time and seeing me. It was nice meeting you, Niall."

I gave him a quick nod in acknowledgement. I knew the guy must have been gutted. "It's no problem and same to you, Jeffery."

"You can call me Jeff. I actually prefer it."  He offered a dimpled smile and I couldn't help but laugh at the similarity between he and Derek.

"Jeff it is." I helped pull Hayley to her feet and circled my arm around her, bringing her as close to me as possible. I could see that she was biting her cheek, trying not to burst into an outbreak. "Let's go babe."

Hayley nodded and offered a weak smile. "It was nice seeing you Jeff."

Jeff pulled his hand into the air. "No, thank you."

"Still feel free to call if you have questions." Hayley told him and Jeff nodded saying he'd remember that.

I held Hayley close as we walked out into the wind. I was over this damn weather. I just wanted to see Hayley in her short shorts and cut off tee shirts that show off her sports bra. I was ready to see her everyday. I was ready to have her in my arms when I fell asleep and wake up to her lying in the same position or giving me head on occasion. I was ready to have her around me all the time and not have to worry about fucking assholes like Chris. Ugh.

I opened Hayley's door before doing the same for me. Her eyes were cast out the window, her mind far away. I placed my hand on her thigh, giving a slight squeeze. A small smile played at her lips as she placed her small hand over mine.

"Thank you." She spoke softly.

"It's okay." I noted and glanced over at her. Her hand swiped quickly across her cheek, destroying evidence of her tears. "I love you." I said in hopes of it making the slightest  difference to her fatigued mind.

"I love you too." She sniffed and placed her forehead against the window, slowly nodding off into a much needed sleep.

((Hey so sorry for the long irregular update! I'm trying here! Sooo... someone of you mentioned that you don't want me to end the series yet. I do have other ideas if you guys want that, but updates are going to be irregular because I'm going to try to finish my other shorter fanfics as well. If you're cool with that lemme know and I will make it happen.

Comment and vote if you guys liked this chapter and I'm hoping you guys do because it's the weekend and I wanna update:) so yeah. Love you xxx))

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