Chapter 78

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-Hayley's POV-

The night continued on. People drank and laughter filled the air. Music played and people sang. It was fun actually. Enjoyable, really, to be in a place filled with so many happy people who gathered to celebrate the happiness of someone else.

"Just think, this will be us in another year." Niall smiled as he pulled me in tighter. I leaned into his chest and took another drink of the champagne.

"Crazy. By the way, I thought you were over in Australia. What happened to bonding with your other boys?" I asked with a laugh as Niall rolled hid eyes.

"I ended up going there early and when I told them that you were planning a wedding, Michael scolded me and told me to get my ass on a plane."

I shook my head and giggled. "Well I applaud Michael. He can make you do things that even I can't."

Niall shrugged. "I wanted to come so I didn't argue too much. How are you with everything? I feel awful. I haven't talked to you in so long."

"Time zones are killer," I joked. "I was really stressed when I was trying to plan and finish finals but Matt helped out a lot. He has a girlfriend now. They're adorable."

"Is she here?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I talked to her a little bit earlier. She said she felt awkward sitting by herself while Matt was taking photos with the rest of the wedding group."

Niall nodded and took another drink. "So when's your speech?" He smiled cheekily and I hit him.

"Don't bring that up. I have to go after the best man, Jeffery's brother, John. I'm nervous as hell."

"I'm sure you'll do fine, babe." Niall said before kissing my temple and then smiling into my hair.

"What did your mom do when you told her that I said yes?" I asked through a laugh. I could picture Maura grinning or jumping around. Crazy to think that our relationship started off so bumpy.

Niall burst into laughter, trying to compose himself. "She fucking lost it. She was so happy and giddy and, oh God. I, I can't even describe it. I wish I recorded it."

I started to say something in response when the clinking of glasses and someone calling "Attention!" filled the air. Jeffery's brother, John, was standing in front of everyone with a nervous smile on his face. My body shivered with nerves. I was never good with talking in front of people.

John cleared his throat before speaking. "Good evening everyone. I'm glad you all were able to make it tonight. I assume most are here just for the free alcohol."

Some people laughed and others whooped. One person yelled a  "Hell yeah!".

"Anyway," John laughed. "My brother, Jeff, he was always a nice guy. Well, when he wasn't forcing me to eat a spider or  locking me outside in the snow in just my boxers. He's struggled with love before and I honestly thought he wouldn't be able to get past it. But he proved me wrong and I couldn't be happier for him. Lana is a beautiful woman, inside and out. And I could not picture anyone who deserves Jeffery more than Lana does. And I can't believe that she settled for him. I wish you both the best, but you don't need it. You'll make it on your own. To Jeffery and Lana!"

"To Jeffery and Lana!" The crowd exclaimed raising their glasses and taking a swig. I watched as my mom wiped under her eyes as Jeffery's face turned red.

"You didn't need to bring up the spider thing." He laughed and John shrugged. "Maid of Honor?"

I inhaled and exhaled deeply. Niall pecked a quick kiss on my lips, hid thumb running over my knuckles. "You'll be fine." He said quietly and I nodded.

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