Chapter 15

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-Hayley's POV-

The next few weeks dragged by with little to no excitement. McKenna and I stayed in our dorms watching movies and ordering take out most nights. Occasionally, Matt would come over and join us, but usually it was just the two of us. February ended and March settled in. My paid internship was probably the highlight of my day. I was really loving what I was doing now. I knew from the first day working that this is what I wanted to do with my life.

Niall had slumped into full on tour mode. Our conversations became less consistent. Sometimes we'd go days at a time without talking. If Niall was up and not busy preparing for the show that night, I was in classes or at work. I didn't get off work in the evening when Niall was either fast asleep or preforming. It was hard and aggravating but I knew it was all part of the deal.

I pulled my bag off my shoulders and let it collapse to the ground. McKenna had left a note saying she'd be back later. Her and Matt went to pick up a pizza. I lied down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I should really call my mom. I hadn't talked to her in forever. She was just so judgmental and I didn't see or conversation anywhere near pleasant.

"Oh fuck it." I mumbled and dialed her number. I could feel my stomach begin to knot up as the phone rang monotonously in my ear.

"Hello?" Her voice held a slight defensive edge to it, just as I expected.

"Hey Mom." I said as pleasantly as I could. "How are you?"

"I'm fine."

"Well that's good." She was not giving me much to work with here.

"Why are you calling?" She snapped.

Well then, it was good to talk to you too.

"I just figured I'd give you a call. I haven't talked to you in a while. How was your holidays?" I asked as I cleaned my nails.

"Holidays? As  in Valentine's Day? That was nearly a month ago." She half laughed.

"I told you that it's been a while."

"Yeah, I haven't spoken to you since you got snowed in here." I cringed. I remember that night. It was awful.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"My holiday was fine. If you consider it a holiday." Her voice was short and quick. She was obviously not enjoying this conversation.

"Well that's good." I answered, ignoring the last part. "Have you guys moved yet?"


"Oh?" I asked suddenly more interested in the long conversation.

"Logan has revolted against it. He doesn't want to move in with Ryan so we're back to our.. previous.. living arrangements."

"You two are still engaged though, right?" I was hoping she'd correct me and say that I'm wrong but I knew that was hoping for too much.

"Yes. Kinda." She said the last word so quietly that I could barely hear it, I decided to let it slide.

I nodded dumbly, unsure what to say. "I see."

"When do your classes end?" I was thankful for the subject change.

"Last week of April."

"Oh so soon? You're almost done then." She sounded almost... pleased.

"Yeah, and this internship I got is fantastic." I told her.

"Internship? When did you get that?" I slapped my forehead. I really had cut her out of my life.

"About a month ago. It's great, I really love it." I continued to explain my duties at work to her when I heard a knock on the door. "Hey, Mom. I gotta go. McKenna is back."

"Oh, alright. Well, thank you for the call. It was good to catch up." She said. I didn't get the feeling that she actually meant it though.

"Yeah, it was." I lied. "I'll talk to you some other time."

"Alright. Good bye, Hayley." Mom returned before hanging up.

Love you too. I thought as I ended the call and opened the door to let McKenna and Matt in.

McKenna's beam disappeared. "You okay?"

I faked a smile for her. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure about that?" McKenna asked as she sat down on the ground with the pizza in front of her. Matt and I joined her.

"I just got done talking to my mom."

McKenna froze. Her mouth hung open with a big mouth full of chewed pizza hanging out.

"Please close your mouth." I told her disgustedly. She obliged and covered her mouth as she continued to talk with her mouth full.

"And how'd that go for you two? Did she listen? Did her and Ryan move in? Is Logan okay? She didn't bring up Niall, did she? She probably did. I don't know your mom is cray."

"'Kenna." I interrupted. "Calm."

She took in a deep breath and set her pizza down in the box, waiting for me to continue.

"It was a pretty... civil conversation I guess. I could tell she didn't really want to talk to me but I can't change that. We didn't really talk about anything controversial. I wanted to keep it as calm as possible. I haven't talked to Niall in three days now and I would really need him if something were to blow up back in my face. I guess Logan has been a rebel and finally spoke out about his feelings about Ryan. So he's living with Mom and Ryan still lives at his place like before. And then, like I said, we kept it under control so no, Niall was never the subject."

McKenna nodded her head while Matt stared blankly at me. I laughed at his confusion and McKenna told him she'd explain it all later.

"That's... weird. Like, really weird. Usually your mom just tries to piss you off. Maybe she finally notice how much she actually misses her."

Before I could stop myself, I was laughing in McKenna's face. "You're too funny. She probably just really didn't want to argue. That or she had company."

McKenna nodded sadly, "Oh, probably.."

Yeah, probably...

-Niall's POV-

I stretched my legs out and groaned before climbing out of my bunk. I was not feeling like doing anything today. I just wanted to be with Hayley. I missed her so much. I missed the way she'd trace the outlines of my veins while we lied together. I missed the way she'd  play with my hair or make it to where it'd stick up in random patches. I missed how she'd come up behind me and squeeze my bum before running away so I couldn't do it back to her. I missed chasing her around the house before dragging her to the ground and tickle her until she couldn't breath. I missed the little things she'd do. Her annoying snarky remarks, how she'd roll her eyes every time I'd say something perverted, the way her forehead formed a little wrinkle in the middle when she concentrated real hard. I just missed her so damn much.

I grabbed my phone and sat down in the back of the bus with Harry. He looked like he had just woken up like me. He smiled sleepily and patted the couch next to him. "Have you talked to Hayley recently?" He asked as he rubbed his green eyes.

I shook my head. "It I don't talk to her today that will be four days in a row." I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck.

Harry frowned but then wrapped one tattooed arm around me comfortingly. "I'm sure you two will get to talk again before long."

"Maybe in another two days when we don't have a show." I pointed out.

Harry shrugged. "Better than a week, right?"

I glared at him and he chuckled. "I got an idea for you." He smiled.

((Yeah, so I know this is a very uneventful chapter but let's be honest not much can happen when they are on completely different sides of the world. I also skipped the last few weeks because I had nothing planned for them. Once summer rolls around for them it will all get better and more eventful, promise! And thank you for all those new followers! I love you! and I love my old followers just as much:) anyway if you guys have any questions, shoot me a message or comment! thanks! VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE!!!!!! okay, love ya xxx))

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