Chapter 21

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-Hayley's POV-

And in that moment every little confusion I had disappeared. Chris didn't cross my mind, neither did my homework, my mother, or even the curiosity of my father's death. In that moment that my arms were wrapped around Niall's neck and his under my thighs as he carried me to my small twin bed, nothing else really seemed to matter. Because in that moment I was where I had longed to be for weeks now.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I sat on his lap, my arms still around him.

He shrugged his shoulders that had grown even broader since I last saw him, making me wonder what else changed underneath those clothes. "We had a scheduled break and I wanted to surprise you. Good thing you weren't out partying or anything." He smiled cheekily and pinched my cheek like a weirdo.

"You know I don't party much anymore." I swatted his hand and nearly hit myself in the face which sent Niall into a laughing fit for another five minutes. I missed hearing that glorious sound. That sound could always turn my most sour moods around, and that was something I needed at the moment. Niall struggled to take in another breath only to let out an even louder laugh as he lied back on the bed. Tears brimmed his eyes and I couldn't help but join in the mess of mental laughter with him.

When we both caught our breath, Niall sat back up and wrapped his arms around my waist again.

"you're a dork." I laughed and messed playfully with his hair.

"But I'm your dork Princess." He said in a goofy voice. His eyes were wide and his mouth plastered in a goofy toothy grin, sending myself into a fit of giggles.

"Yes, babe, you're my dork." I pecked a kiss on his lips.

Niall's grip around my waist constricted, bring us dangerously close. "What did we say about teasing, young lady."

"Oh my God I can't believe you remember that!" I beamed proudly.

"Oh that's not something I forget." His voice was low as his mouth hovered above the sensitive skin of my neck. "How would you feel if I just teased you all the time?" His breath was hot and I could already feel myself turning into a pile of mush.


"That wasn't my question." His accent thickened and his voice dropped even deeper. Goosebumps rose over my skin as he left hot kisses down my neck and across where my collarbones should be.

"You seem to be doing a pretty good job of it right now." I breathed over the lump in my throat. I could feel his smirk against my skin. his hands pressed against my hips, pinning my back against the mattress. My fingers tugged at his roots causing him to main against my lips.

"Ow. Fuck." He moaned as I took his lower lip between my teeth.

"What? Too hard?" I winked and gave him an innocent smile, his lip still caught.

He grinned wickedly. "Someone's feisty today. I like it."

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he hovered of me, his tongue against mine. I could feel his bulge growing against me as my hand slipped under his shirt. My fingertips brushed against the band of his boxers before living down to unbutton his pants.

"Again with the fucking teasing." He hissed only to go back to sucking at the sensitive skin on my neck.

I heard a muffled laugh followed by another that was even louder. But before I could get a word out of my mouth the door swung open.

"Fuck." Niall mumbled under his breath before flipping us over so I was laying on top of him.

"She's probably asleep anywa... Oh shit." McKenna stuttered as her eyes fell on Niall and I, awkwardly trying to hide what we had intended to do.

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