Castiel x reader

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Hi! Welcome to my very first one shot for SPN(Supernatural)! Cas is my second favorite character, and Sammy is number one! Sorry Dean fans, this book will mostly have Sammy. Anyways, onward!

Y/n's pov

                                                                             I yawned softly, and sat up only to jump when I saw Castiel sitting there watching me. "Dammit, Cas, how many times do I have to tell you not to do that?" I grumbled. "Forgive me, Y/n," said Cas, he gently wrapped his arm around me, and I happily leaned into his side. "You've been gone a lot, and I was starting to get worried," I said. "Heaven issues?" Cas nodded, and kissed the top of my head. "I am glad all of it has been sorted, I will be able to spend time with you now," said Cas, I smiled. "I love you, Cas," Cas kissed my forehead. "As I for you." Said Cas. "I need to get dressed, I'll meet you outside." I said, I kissed his cheek.

                                                                             I did my morning routine then got changed into a simple flannel, black combat boots, and a black leather jacket making me look like a bad girl. I walked to the kitchen of the bunker to see Dean, and Sam eating breakfast, Sam's looking at his laptop, he's most likely looking for new hunts. "Hey guys," I greeted them, I gave Cas another peck to the cheek, and got breakfast for myself. "Anything new?" Sam shook his head, but stopped. "Hang on, I got one," said Sam. "Well, don't leave us hanging, Sammy, what is it?" Asked Dean with a mouthful of food, I cringed, and paid attention to the younger Winchester. "There's been five murders, all of them had their hearts ripped out," said Sam. "All of them?" I repeated. "Yeah." Said Sam. "Werewolf?" I suggested. "Or a spirit," said Dean. "Most likely a werewolf," I said, I took a sip of orange juice. "Probably," said Sam, I noticed Cas cringed. "What's wrong, Cas?" I asked, I placed my hand on top of his. "Is something wrong?" Cas took a deep breath. "I must go, another important business I must take care," said Cas. "Okay, be safe," I said, I gave him a gentle kiss, and he's gone. "I hope he's going to be okay," Dean clapped my shoulder. "Hey, he's a freakin' angel, he knows what he's doing," said Dean. "Now, let's hunt this sucker down."

                                                                   *time skip*

                                                                             The hunt was brutal, my leg was nearly ripped off if it weren't for Balthazar coming in to save me. No idea why he's here though. "Castiel sent me, love," Balthazar explained when he saw my confused look. "How is he?" I asked, Balthazar carefully healed my deep cuts. "He is dealing with Naomi," my face darkened. "Why aren't you with him then?" Asked Sam. "Yeah, why aren't you?" Dean agreed. "And let my baby brother's most prized possession get injured?" Balthazar asked. "No! I cannot let that happen to him!" Said Balthazar. "At least you care about him," I said. "I have a feeling he needs you right now," Balthazar nodded. "Right you are, love," said Balthazar. "Oh, and do keep my baby brother's heart from shattering, he is too innocent." And he's gone. "I don't plan on doing that!" I called out.

                                                                             For a few weeks Cas hasn't come back making me worried. He hasn't answered any of Dean's prayers either, I bit my lip, and prayed to him again. 'I pray to you, Castiel, Angel of the Lord, please hear my prayer.' I prayed, I listened for a flap of wings only to hear silence making me sigh. "Nothing?" Dean asked, he had two bottles of beer. "Nope," I said, he handed me the beer, and I took it. "I hope he comes by soon," I said, I took a swig of beer. "I do too," said Dean. "Not in the way you do of course." I rolled my eyes. "Of course," I said, and I finished the bottle of beer. "Help me to the library will you?" Dean sighed, and took the bottle from me before helping me up.

                                                                             Dean, and I slowly made it to the library. Sam looked up from his laptop, and looked back to his laptop. "Any new hunts?" Asked Dean, he placed me down on the couch. "Nothing," said Sam. "Damn, I'm getting bored," said Dean. "Well, I can't go anywhere because of my leg," I said gesturing to my leg. "I really do wish Cas is here though," I heard a flap of wings. "I heard my name," not caring about my leg, I quickly rushed to give Cas a hug. "Where have you been?! I was sos worried about you!" Cas gently connected his lips to mine. "Forgive me, my business took longer than expected," said Cas. "And to make it up, I like to take you somewhere." I frowned. "Take me whe-? Whoa!" I clung onto Cas, and we're gone.

                                                                           When we arrived, I looked around to see a large field of flowers, and honey bees. "Of course you'd take me somewhere like here," I laughed softly, I realized I'm sitting on the ground with my wound visible, Cas started healing the wound. "I don't get it," I said. "Don't get what?" Asked Cas. "If you could heal this wound, why didn't Balthazar do it?" I asked. "Perhaps he knew you prefer if I heal you instead," said Cas, he finished healing my leg, and helped me up to my feet. "Come, let us enjoy this moment." I smiled. "Let's." I agreed, and we did.

There! My very first one shot for SPN, 934 words, aside from the a/n of course. Anyways, vote, comment, and request!

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