Sam x reader

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Requested by SilasCanary16 *squeals* Baby Sammy! So cute! *dies of cuteness, and Castiel saves me* thanks, Cas! Oh, and this one shot was inspired by another author, I forgot her name, but I'm giving her credit.

Y/n's pov

                                                       I shoved another male angel out of the way, and took off flying. "Y/n!" Multiple voices shouted out for me. "Come back!" I sighed when I lost them, I landed, and folded my wings. I heard another pair of wings making me tense. "Y/n," I relaxed when I heard my brother's voice. "Castiel!" I cheered, and I tackled him for a hug, he grunted, and hugged back. "Did you escape from them?" He asked. "Barely," I said, I rested my head on his shoulder, and pouted. "I don't wanna be with them anymore," Castiel gently kissed my forehead. "Come with me," said Castiel. "I know two men," said Castiel. "I believe they could use someone like you," I cocked my head to the side. "Who, Castiel?" I asked curiously. "Who are they?" I asked. "You may know them," said Castiel. "Their names are Dean, and Sam Winchester," question marks flew out of my head. "Winchester? Why do you want me to meet them?" I asked. "Because I believe Dean or Sam may be your soulmate," said Castiel, even more question marks flew out my head. "Soulmate?" I repeated. "But that's a rumor! A legend!" I protested. "Then why are those male assbuts so desperate to claim you?" Castiel asked his aura showing off a dark color making me shrink back. "I-I," I started, Castiel stopped when he realized he's frightening me. "I am sorry, Y/n," said Castiel. "You know you are a sister to me," I nodded. "Will you meet them for me?" I nodded again. "Okay." I said softly, Castiel took my hand, and we left heaven together.

                                                      The vessal that I had taken is a woman named Sera Hopkins(it's just a random name I came up with), and then, Castiel took me where the boys are living.

Sam's pov

                                                        I looked up to see Cas, and a girl? She has h/c hair, curious e/c eyes, a brown leather jacket, jeans, and hunting boots. "Who's the pretty lady?" Asked Dean, I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Dean," I said. "But I do agree with Dean, who is she?" The girl shifted uncomfortably. "My sister, Y/n," said Cas, she frowned. "What is 'Cas'?" She asked. "Cas is his nickname," I explained, her e/c eyes are now on me. "You are Sam?" She said, or more like asking. "Yeah, I'm Sam," I said. "That's Dean," Dean gave her a quick two finger salute, while talking to Cas, I spotted Y/n staring at me. "You okay, Y/n?" That snapped her out of whatever she was thinking. "Hmm? Oh! Yes, yes I am fine," she quickly said, she blushed, and hid her face from us making Cas grin.

Y/n's pov

                                                         "What are you smiling about, Cas?" Asked Dean, he walked over to his..........boy.......friend? Cas shifted. "Nothing, Dean," said Castiel. "We will wait to see if this happens," said Castiel. "If what happens?" Asked Dean, what Castiel said is getting to him. "Shut up, and watch them." Casiel snapped.

                                                            I curiously picked up a book from the table, and opened it only to be greeted by dust, I coughed, and shut the book. "You okay?" I looked up to see Sam, and to realize how close he is, his hazel eyes meeting my own e/c eyes, his strong jaw, the strong built body, and the way his cheekbones are sculpted. "Y-Yes, I'm fine," I stuttered, and blushed. "You sure?" Asked Sam, he took the book from me, and gently cradled my face making sure I'm truly fine. "Yes, Sam, I am fine," I said, I gently took his hand from my face, but I couldn't help, but press my face a bit closer to his hand. "I can show you more books if you'd like," said Sam. "There a lot of books here," I gave him a big smile. "That will be nice."

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