Castiel x reader

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Requested by Risk_Dash you're also a blond with green eyes, I'm also going to change the request a bit. 

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                              I quietly peered through the broken glass window making sure the blood suckers are asleep. I quietly slipped inside, and pulled out my machete from my flannel shirt. I walked over to one vamp, and raised the machete. His eyes flew open, and all hell broke loose. 

                                                                                                                                              I barely made it out alive from that hunt. I passed out because of blood loss. Before I did, I saw a pair of intense blue eyes. 

Cas' pov

                                                                                                                                                 I picked the girl up, I cannot believe that Dean has fathered a child, he does not look that old. I popped into the bunker making Sam, and Dean jump up. "Dammit, Ca-, is that Y/n?" Dean asked. "It is," I said. "Dammit, I told her not to go on hunts by herself," Dean growled. "Since when was she ever good at following orders?" Asked Sam. "I mean, she is your daughter." Dean just gave Sam a look. "Heal her." I placed her on the couch, and pressed my index, and middle finger against her forehead. 

                                                                                                                                                  While I healed her, I found something that I'm very surprised neither Dean or Sam knew about this yet. She's been cursed to be immortal, forced to stay young. I read through some of her self conscious mind's thoughts, they all say one thing. Don't tell Dean, but why? Why won't she tell them? 

                                                                                                                                                  Dean picked her up snapping me out of my thoughts. "Right, better take her to bed," said Dean. "Thanks for finding her, Cas." I nodded. "Of course, Dean," I replied, I watched Dean carry Y/n away. "Is something wrong, Cas?" Asked Sam. "No," I said. "Nothing is wrong." 

                                                                                                                                                   I remember the first time I met Y/n for the first time, she was so small in Dean's arms. Unfortunately, his lover did not survive nor did she want to be resurrected. I haven't seen Y/n since, she looks so much like Dean, and acts like him as well.  

                                                                                                                                                    The next time I saw Y/n, she was awake with a frown, and her arms crossed. "I can't believe this," she grumbled. "You should have thought about not going on that hunt," said Dean. "Indeed," I said, she jumped. "You must be Cas," said Y/n. "Seems like I wasn't hallucinating about the blue eyes before I passed out," said Y/n. "Thank you for bringing me back home," she smiled. "You are welcome," I said. "Is there a particular reason why you're here, Cas?" Asked Dean. "No, I wanted to check on Y/n," I answered. "Well, I heard angels can read people's minds so read mine, and you'll know if I'm okay," said Y/n. "I did," I replied. "And there is one thought that makes me want to advise you that is not a good idea," Y/n raised an eyebrow at me. "Oh?" She said. "How so?" She asked. "One way or another, Dean will find out about your secret," I said. "But I will hold it for now." Dean sat up. "What secret?" Asked Dean. "Cas, what secret?" But I already left. 

                                                                                                                                                    I continued checking on Y/n, and telling her to tell Dean about the secret, but she refused every time. "Why?" I asked. "Because I don't want him or Uncle Sam looking for a cure, Cas," said Y/n. "I don't want them to kill themselves by doing this," I frowned. "People cannot die like that," I said. "I meant figuratively," Y/n sighed. "Cas, please, don't tell him," I nodded. "Very well," Y/n walked over to me, and kissed my cheek. "Thank you," said Y/n, Dean shouted. "Y/n! Get over here!" She sighed. "Coming, Dad!" Y/n shouted back, she was about to leave, but something stopped her. "I really like your wings by the way." I stilled as she walked out of the room. 

                                                                                                                                                     Her words repeated in my mind. I really like your wings by the way. Those seven words mean one thing. Soulmate, she is mine, and I am hers. I popped into the library making Dean slam the lore book on the table. "Dammit, Cas," he cursed. "I am sorry, Dean," I apologized. "But I must speak to Y/n," Y/n too placed the lore book down. "What is it, Cas?" She asked. "Can you truly see my wings?" She smiled. "Well, of course, dummy," said Y/n. "Your wings are so pretty! And big, too! They're a beautiful shade of black!" Sam, and Dean shared a look, and Y/n caught the look. "What?" Asked Y/n. "Did I do something wrong?" Asked Y/n. "No," I answered. "No, you did not do anything wrong," Y/n tilted her head to the side. "Dammit, Cas, you turned her into you," Dean cursed. "And now we find out you're her freakin' soulmate?" Y/n's eyes widened. "I'm........ your soulmate?" Asked Y/n. "Yes," I said. "And you are mine," Y/n's face turned slightly pink. "Wow." 

                                                         *time skip*

                                                                                                                                                   Few years have passed, and Dean is still over protective over Y/n, Sam was just happy that Y/n had finally found someone to love while Dean was not. He continuously carried Y/n away whenever he catches us kissing or something alike. "Finally," Y/n mumbled. "Got away from him," I opened my arms, and Y/n happily snuggled into my chest. "I love you, Cas," said Y/n. "And I to you, Y/n," I replied. "Forever?" Asked Y/n. "Forever." 

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