Jared x reader

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Jared's pov

I watched Jensen spend time with his adoptive sister, Y/n, now, Y/n may be his adoptive sister, but Jensen is very,very protective of her. Y/n bounded over to me. "Hey Jared!" She cheerfully greeted me. "How are you?" I smiled at her cheerfulness. "I'm good, you?" I replied. "I'm fine," said Y/n. "Jensen's being a over protective brother again," Y/n pouted making me smile even more. "Is he now?" I replied. "It's not funny, Jared! I don't like it when he does that!" Y/n whined. "He's your brother, of course he'd do that." I answered, I saw Jensen coming our way, and once we reached us, he grabbed Y/n, and swung her onto his shoulder. "Jensen!" Y/n protested. "Let me talk to Jared!"

Y/n's pov

I pouted at Jensen. "Why?" Jensen simply kissed my forehead. "You're my baby sister," he mumbled against my forehead. "I don't care!" I said. "Why can't I talk to him?" Jensen rubbed my shoulders. "You're my baby sister, Y/n, I'm protective whether you like it or not," Jensen growled, I hit him with a cushion. "I hate you," I muttered, Jensen kissed my forehead again. "I love you." Jensen replied, and he's gone.

I gently tugged on the door only to find it locked. 'Great,' I thought glumly. 'Jensen locked the door.' I heard a pair of keys jingling, and the door opened. "Hey," Jared greeted me. "Jared!" I cheered, I jumped into his arms. "Jensen locked me in here so I can't talk to you," I pouted. "I've figured," said Jared, he placed me back down. "I don't like it when he's this protective," I grumbled. "I know," said Jared. "I always wanted to do this," I tilted my head to the side. "Do wha-? Mff." Jared cut me off with his lips on mine. "JARED! HANDS OFF OF MY BABY SISTER!" Jared smiled. "There goes my cue," said Jared. "Wish that I make it out alive." I leaned up, and kissed him again. "I'm going with you."

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