Sam x reader

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Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                                           I moaned softly as I woke up, I shook my head to clear it up, I realized I'm in some room. I sat up only to realize I'm in a silky nightgown. "You're up," said a voice, I gasped, and backed up only for the owner of the voice to chuckle. "Lucifer," he smiled. "I'm glad you remember me," said Lucifer. "Why am I here?" I asked. "So I claim you as mine," said Lucifer. "That moose of a man doesn't deserve you," Sam, I reached up to my neck where a special pendant was resting only for it to be gone making me gasp. "Looking for this?" Asked Lucifer holding it up, I lunged for it only for his lips to meet mine.

                                                                                                                                                             He pinned me against the wall while his hand held the pendant. I bit his lip causing him to hiss, and pull away. "Resisting me I see," said Lucifer, he then smashed the pendant making me gasp. "Why?" I whispered, I slid to my knees with my hands covering my mouth. "Why?" Lucifer roughly grabbed me, and pinned me down on the bed, and I tried to fight back only for him to pin me down.

                                                                                                                                                               He roughly bit my neck leaving swollen red marks on my neck as I fought him back, rope was called in holding my hands above my head, and tied to the headboard, and my ankles were tied down as well.

                                                                             *time skip*

                                                                                                                                                                Lucifer left after having his fun, I desperately tried to free myself only for the ropes to tighten. 'Castiel, Angel Of The Lord, hear my prayer, and my plea.' I prayed. The door opened again making me gasp. "I see you're still trying," said Lucifer, he dragged his index finger down my bare stomach making me shudder. "Ready for round two?" I gulped.

                                                                                                                                                                 Someone banged on the door, Lucifer looked up making me gasp. "Open the door, Lucifer! Or I'll break it down!" Sam, Lucifer grabbed me, and teleported me off to somewhere else.

                                                                                                                                                                    He forced a kiss on me, and said. "Be a good girl, and stay." And he's gone.

                                                                                                     *time skip*

                                                                                                                                                                    It's been days already, Lucifer somehow kept Sam, Dean, and Cas from tracking me. Everyday he came back, he continued to have his fun with me. I'm only handcuffed to the bed since he trusted me not to run away now, I've tried multiple times, and he caught me every time. I curled up in a tight ball, my stomach felt queasy earlier today, but now, I'm fine after puking of course.

                                                                                                                                                                     The door opened, and Lucifer stepped in. "How are you, love?" He asked, I whimpered as an answer. "I'm taking that 'I'm well, Luci'," said Lucifer, there was a loud bang. "Dammit!" Lucifer cursed, he walked out, and slammed the door.

                                                                                                                                                                     I stayed there for awhile, and door opened with a click making me whimper. "Y/n?" I perked up. "Sammy?" Sam quickly rushed over to me, and freed me. "God, I've missed you," said Sam, he kissed me very lightly, and I savored the kiss. "I missed you too, Sammy," I said, Sam kissed me again. "Sammy, wait," Sam stopped. "What? What's wrong?" He asked, I placed my hands on my abdomen. "Sammy, I'm pregnant with his child."

Sam's pov

                                                                                                                                                                  Question marks flew out of my head. "Y-you're pregnant?" I repeated. "Yeah." Y/n murmured, I kissed her again. "We'll figure something out."

                                                                                                                                                                 Cas checked to see if she really is pregnant, and he confirmed it, she's pregnant with Lucifer's child. "What's going to happen?" Y/n asked. "I don't know," I admitted. "If you want to keep the child, keep it, and I'll help you raise the child, but if you don't, then we can rush over to the hospital right now, and get rid of it now," I said. "I don't want it," said Y/n. "I want a child with you." I nodded. "I'm not offended that you don't want this child," I said. "Come on."

                                                                                         *time skip*

                                                                                                                                                                 Y/n did get an abortion, she curled up in my arms. "I love you, Y/n," I said. "I'll protect you." She smiled. "I know you will, Sam," said Y/n. "I know you will."

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