Castiel x reader

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So, this is an example of how a prompt will work, the prompt will be bolded. 

Cas' pov

                                                                                                                                                                      "Ha! The trickster got pranked!" I heard laughter coming from Y/n, the youngest female angel shouting in glee. "Wow, I am so surprised you fell for that, Gabe!" Y/n laughed. "It's not funny, Y/n!" Gabriel said. "It is too!" She said still laughing, she fell over because she was laughing so hard. "Consider yourself lucky, Y/n!" Gabriel said, I heard a huff coming from Lucifer as he rolled his eyes before resuming to read his book. "Luci, Gabe's being a jerk," Y/n pouted. "Deal with it." Y/n gave Lucifer a deadly look. "Fine," she said. "Prepare for an attack, Luci, I'm not going to show you any mercy." 

                                                                                                                                                                        Y/n was very serious, she continuously pulled pranks on Lucifer without hesitation until Michael had enough. "Michael! I was having so much fun!" Y/n whined, she was thrown over his shoulder and Michael dumped her on the couch. "Enough with the pranks," Michael ordered. "By the name of our Father, you're worse than Gabriel," Michael groaned. "I'm taking that as a compliment," said Y/n. "You're no fun! Only Gabe seems to understand!" Y/n pouted. "Stop being so immature!" Michael snapped, silence then a small sniffle. "Y/n." Michael began but it was too late, Y/n had already flown away.   

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                                                          I found myself walking around some kind of city by myself on Earth, I stopped a woman while I was passing. "Excuse me? Can you tell me where I am?" She gave me an odd look. "You're in Topeka, Kansas, dear," she replied. "Thank you." I said. "Anytime, dear." She smiled and moved on with her business. 

                                                                                                                                                                            Topeka, Kansas, this is where the Winchester boys live. I glanced at my wings, I am no longer safe. I walked to an isolated place and flew, I reached the edge of heaven. I pulled out a knife from my jacket and took a deep breath. Just when I was about to chip my wings off, a hand suddenly grabbed me. "Don't," I looked to see Castiel. "Why?" I whispered. "Michael doesn't love me," I whimpered. "But we do," said Castiel. "Gabriel, Lucifer, Raphael and I do," I glanced at the blade in my hand. "Come home." I nodded. "Okay." 

                                                                                                                                                                              When we arrived again, I was pulled into a hug immediately. "Don't leave. Please. I need you." I was surprised but hugged back. "Never." 

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