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                                                                                                                                                               Yelling was heard, people shouting and cursing at each other, throwing insults or yelling in their respectful languages. "ENOUGH!" Jia Penhallow shouted. "Enough," she repeated. "Y/n Herondale, speak." The said girl stood up. "I was called for help from my father," Y/n started. "There were two other men with him. Dean and Sam Winchester, brothers, taking down demons, vampires, werewolves, and many other supernatural creatures," she went on. "They want to do the same thing as we do. To protect the mundane world," more yelling. "I will let Jia decide!" Y/n snapped. "If that is all I can say then I will leave all of you to decide what to do with, but I want all of you to know I never knew those two men ever existed." She then turned on her heel and walked out of the Great Hall. 

                                                                                                                                                               "Y/n!" She turned around to see her half brother, Jace and his girlfriend, Clary Fairchild. "Jace, Clary," Y/n greeted. "What happened?" Asked Clary. "My father asked for my assistance and I helped him. But I also helped mundanes," Clary covered her mouth with her hand. "You know what will happen to you," Clary whispered. "I know," said Y/n. "Like us, they want to protect the mundane world from the supernatural world. They may not be nephilim, but at least they want the same," Jace placed a hand on his sister's shoulder. "We'll be behind you," he said. "Always, because family sticks together. Izzy and Alec are behind you, Magnus is behind you." She smiled faintly. "I know, Jace," she said. "I know." 

                                                                                                                                                                  The Clave argued for a few more days until Y/n was called back in, behind her was Jace, Clary, Isabelle and Alexander Lightwood. Jia stood up from her chair. "The Clave and I have come to a solution," said Jia. "We will let you keep your marks and name, but, you will no longer have contact with your father or any of your uncles nor can you speak to Dean or Sam," Y/n's heart tightened a bit and she gulped. "I understand," she said, barely able to speak. "Good, you are dismissed," said Jia. "Will I be able to say goodbye to my father?" Jia stayed quiet. "Let the Clave decide," Jia said. "Say aye for permission to say goodbye or nay for no." There was a majority of 'aye' making her heart clenched even tighter. 

                                                                                                                                                                   She took a deep breath and prayed for her father out in the field behind the Herondale Manor. She heard flapping of wings and her father arrived. He didn't need to know what happened, he already knew and this was her punishment. "I shouldn't have let you come," he said as he pulled his child into his arms. "I don't care," she sniffed. "I love you, Daddy," he pulled away and wiped her tears away. "And I to you, child," he said. "Ave atque vale: Pater." (hail and farewell, father) with one last kiss to her forehead, the two forever split apart.

                                                                                                                                                                   Jace wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she buried her face into his chest and cried. And cried. And cried. Months flew by, Cas continued looking after her through heaven, then years flew by. His daughter had married a man named Jon Blackthorn, a distant yet close cousin of the Blackthorns. Both had taken over the LA Institute, but let Jon's uncle, Arthur, live their along with his cousins. Helen, the oldest of the Blackthorn children that lived in the Institute, was forced to stay on Wrendal Island with her girlfriend, Aline. Mark Blackthorn, the brother of Helen was taken by the Wild Hunt and the Clave refuses to go after him. 

                                                                                                                                                                     Several years after her marriage to Jon, she gave birth to a healthy young boy, she named him Casten, after him. With intense blue eyes, black curly hair, and pale skin, he truly looked like a Herondale like her ancestor, William Herondale.  

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