Team Free Will x reader part 2!

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Sam's pov

                                                  My mouth dropped when I saw a stunning fourteen year old girl standing in front of me, she wore a black leather jacket, black jeans, and combat boots, her dark hair is braided, and her curious blue eyes met mine. "Y/n?" She smiled. "I'm glad you remember me," said Y/n, I engulfed her in for a tight hug. "Ho-?" I began. "Dad, and my uncles fought hard," said Y/n. "A small group of angels joined them when they saw me interacting with you guys." I sighed, and hugged her again. "T-this is..... well, incredible," I said. "We have to tell Dean."

                                                   I knocked on the door, and the door flung open with a pissed off Dean. "WHAT?!" He growled, his scowl disappeared when he saw Y/n. "Y/n?" The young teen smiled. "Hey Dean," she greeted him, Dean brought her in for a bone crushing hug. "Where the hell have you been?" Dean asked, he pulled away so he can admire how much Y/n has changed, Y/n quickly explained what happened. "I can't believe this," said Dean. "I just can't," Y/n simply rested her head on Dean's shoulder. "Believe it, Dean, I'm back," said Y/n. "And I'm back for good," Dean softly pressed a kiss to her forehead. "That's not an everyday thing by the way," Y/n smiled. "I know." Said Y/n.

                                                   Y/n, Dean, and I are currently at a diner getting something to eat. We caught up on things we missed, and damn, I missed having her around. The door opened, and Cas walked in,  Y/n waved him over. "Hi, Dad," she greeted him, Cas sat down next to Y/n. "Dean, Sam, Y/n," he greeted us. "How are you?" Y/n happily reached over to hug her father. "We're good, Dad." Said Y/n. "Just catching up is all," Cas tilted his head to the side. "What do you mean by 'catching up'?" Dean groaned while Y/n just sighed, and started explaining what she meant. 

                                                    It's really good to have Y/n back in our lives again, we may have missed ten years of her life, but it doesn't mean we can't start again. Dean, and I are now part of her life again, and that's what matters most to us. 

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