Winchesters x reader

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                                                                                                                                                "Seriously?" Dean grumbled, 15 year old Y/n L/n Winchester held Sam, the kitten, up. "Yes!" She snapped. "It's Sam, dammit!" Dean carefully took 'Sam' from Y/n and held him up. "Yeah, that's him," Dean agreed. "Those are his eyes for sure," Y/n sighs. "What are we going to do?" She asks. "Well, we can either ask Cas or wait it out," said Dean, he handed Sam over to her. "Hey, why're you handing him to me?! He's your brother!" Dean shrugs. "Hey, he likes you more than me." 

                                                                                                                                                   Sure enough, Sam the kitten continued following Y/n around the bunker, unless she went to school of course. Sam would be waiting for her in front of the door patiently, once she walks in, he starts following her again. First, she feeds Sam, second, gives him an affectionate head rub, then goes off to do her homework. 

                                                                                                                                                    Sam's kitten side kicks in and bats her nose for attention so she has a ball of yarn that she gently kicks for Sam to run after then bring it back. She continues doing it until all of her homework was done and Sam can tell when she's done when she starts putting her laptop away so that gives him the chance to jump onto her lap, circle around, and fall asleep making her sigh. "Dammit, Sam," she grumbled. "I need to get up." Sam hissed at her and buries his nose into his tail. "DEAN! GET THE MOUSE TOY WITH A STRING ATTACHED TO IT!" 

                                                                                                                                                       Sam lifted his head up when he heard jingling, of course Dean sends Cas to do it instead of himself. Sam launches into air and lunges for the mouse toy and Cas led Sam away. Y/n sighs and walks to her room, drops off her stuff, gets changed, then walks back out to see Sam still chasing after the toy. She gave Cas a signal and he stops. Y/n picks up Sam. "I still can't believe we need to wait for this curse to end," she grumbled. "I am unable to hel-." Cas started. "I know, Cas." 

                                                                                                                                                        Since Sam is a kitten, there's no such things as 'hunts' in the bunker until he's back to old self. It's been several weeks, and there hasn't been any signs of Sam changing back. Y/n brushes her hair and climbs into bed. Sam jumped up to her bed and bats at a spare pillow before circling around and plopping himself down. 

                                                                                                                                                           The next morning, Y/n felt strong arms holding the middle of her abdomen and hot puffs of breaths against her neck. Sam. He's back! She turns around and kisses the tip of his nose. "Welcome back, Sammy." 

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