Say Something...... Please?

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                                                                                                                                                 "Please, please say anything. Anything, Dean!" Y/n begged. "Get out," her face dropped. "What?" She whispered. "Get the hell out," Sam stepped up. "Dean," he started. "Shut up, Sammy," Dean snapped. "You get the hell out, and never come back. Lose our number and never see us again." 

                                                                                                                                                   That was nearly eight years ago. Because of the pain, she drifted from one bar to another city after city, trying to forget her pain. The harsh words Dean had said to her still hits her hard. Sometimes, she stares at the road, wondering if she should die. She doesn't know why Dean had drove her out of the motel, Sam attempted to keep in contact with her, but Dean had found out and destroyed his phone. 

                                                                                                                                                      She found herself with a glass of whiskey, at a shady looking bar. She took a drank all of it in one gulp. "You okay, little lady?" The bartender asked. "Fine," she muttered. "Just peachy," the bartender refilled her drink. "Well, I hope you don't make yourself sick, little lady." The bartender said and walked away to get a new order. 

                                                                                                                                                         She heard the door swinging open, she glanced up and the glass in her hand nearly dropped. Dean and Sam. It was them, in the flesh. Sam had grown his hair out and is now bulkier than ever and Dean, gosh, he hasn't changed. Y/n tossed a couple of bills down. "See you later, Chance." She muttered and walked out with her hood over her head. 

                                                                                                                                                           Dean's eyes were on the woman who walked out of the bar. He swore she looked someone from his past. "I know what you're thinking, Dean," said Sam. "I agree, that really did look like Y/n." Dean glanced at Sam. "Yeah," he agreed. "She did look like Y/n. A lot too." 

                                                                                                                                                            As Y/n sulked back to her house, yes she found a suitable job and got herself a nice house. She heard someone yelling, a woman. Her child had lost his ball and was chasing after it across the road. A car was incoming, she ran, caught the ball, shoved the boy and his ball and the car hit her hard. 

                                                                                                                                                             Dean and Sam shoved their way through the crowd of people that gathered around. Dean stiffened, he recognized the woman that was boarding the ambulance. Y/n. He and Sam visited her at the hospital only to get news of her death. The impact killed her on sight. 

                                                                                                                                                               Now, Dean felt horrible for driving her off. Sure he was mad at her for getting Sam nearly killed, but her dead entirely destroyed him. "I'm sorry." But he was too late to say that. 

I've read all your comments(even though it was only like, four or five) and most of you said you wanted me to continue it so, I have a favor to ask. If any of you can make a cover for me then I will grant you a shout out and give credit to you. So, that is all I wanted to say for now and I'll leave all of you to make a cover for me. If all of you can't or don't want to then I'll make a cover. Kay?  

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