Queen Of Demons

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Quick announcement, I couldn't think of any cities or towns so I decided to go with mine instead. Please don't show up at my doorstep, even if you're a fan of mine, I'd be creeped out.

                                                                                                                                                                    There is another, who rules over demons, no, it is not Crowley's wife. No. This leader is much more dangerous than Crowley. The demons she controls is dangerous, deadly, and lethal. They are unlike any demon the Winchesters had ever hunted. Stronger than Crowley. If they march together, they are unstoppable. 

                                                                                                                                                                   Sitting on a obsidian throne was Y/n. The queen of demons. A creature made out of pure obsidian, shape of a wolf rubbed against her leg and she stroked its head. "Yes, my pet," she cooed. "We will rise once more. This time, we shall bring darkness to the world," the wolf grinned. "Now, spread the darkness my pet. It is time, we reveal ourselves after all this time." 


                                                                                                                                                                    "So, get this," Sam started, his eyes on his laptop. "There were a lot of kidnappings in Fairfax, Virginia," Dean frowned. "Fairfax? Ain't that a peaceful city?" Dean mused, Sam shrugged. "That's what I heard." Sam answered, Dean frowned. "Right, best we get our asses there."                             

                                                                                                                                                                       As Dean and Sam drove to Fairfax, Virginia, Y/n's plan is moving faster and faster. More and more people are getting kidnapped in every city in Virginia, now Y/n's demons moved to moved to North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, California, almost every state. 

                                                                                                                                                                           Y/n smiles at the hostages that sit before her. A blade is held up against their necks keeping them locked in their positions. "Why are you doing this?" A man demanded, she squatted down to his level. "So I can get my revenge," she said. "And all of you, will be my pawns." 

                                                                                                                                                                            Pressing her index and middle finger against the man's forehead, his skin became black, and his eyes were purple. The two who held him up released him, he bowed his head to her. "How may I serve you, My Queen?" A smile appeared on Y/n's face. "Bring hell to Earth." Was her order. 


                                                                                                                                                                            Sam and Dean started interrogating victim after victim, but they got no leads of what is causing this. "Can't be a Wendigo," Sam said. "Or vampire," Dean added. "Demon?" Sam suggested. "Can't be. We didn't smell any sulfur," said Dean. "Actually, this action was caused by demons," Cas said. "Dammit, Cas. How many times do we have to tell you not to pop in like that?" Dean grumbled. "What do you mean demons are doing this? We didn't smell sulfur," Sam added. "This is not the demons you normally hunt. Nor do these demons work for Crowley." 

                                                                                                                                                                             They summoned Crowley. "Ah, that's the presence I've been sensing," Crowley mused. "Do you know what is causing this?" Dean demanded. "You mean whom," Crowley corrected. "There are two leaders of hell. Me. And a demon named Y/n. Now, Y/n here controls a whole different demons than I do and they are dangerous. Much more lethal than mine. Hell knows what she's doing with those people that she ordered her men to kidnap," Dean clenched his jaw. "How do we find her? Can we summon her?" Sam asked. "Tsk, tsk, Moose. No, you cannot summon her, but you can find her. Head to Hollywood in California. Drive straight towards where the Hollywood sign is and you'll find the entrance. If you find it, you must solve a riddle first then you may enter." 

                                                                                                                                                                                As Sam and Dean drove towards Hollywood, Cas had left to find more information about this 'Y/n' Dean didn't stop driving until he reached the Hollywood sign and they waited for Cas to show. There was a flap of wings and Cas appeared. "I cannot come in with you," said Cas. "There are very, very old yet very powerful angel sigials scratched inside." Dean clenched his jaw and pulled out a demon blade. "Let's go, Sammy." He grunted, Sam pulled his out and followed Dean. 

                                                                                                                                                                                There was a riddle written on the H of Hollywood. Sam read it out loud. "The living must have this and the dead does not. What do the living have and the dead don't?" Sam read out loud. "The hell does that mean?" Dean grumbled. "The living must have this and the dead does not. What do the living have and the dead don't?" Sam repeated. "Breathing?" Dean suggested, nothing happened. "Dude, think outside of the box." Sam said. "I am thinking out of it!" Dean snapped, sneaking up behind them were two demons, Cas was about to warn them, but they lunged before he could.

                                                                                                                                                                                 As the two regained consciousness, they noticed someone wearing black leather high heeled boots standing in front of them. "Well, well. Isn't it the Winchester boys," a feminine voice rang out. "Ah, such a wonderful surprise," both Sam and Dean's eyes finally came to be to see a beautiful woman standing there. "And I have a little angel here too," their eyes went to Cas, he was chained. "Now, you can watch your  precious world come to an end," Y/n said, she sat down on her throne and waved her hand, a small portal opening up showing Virginia, Vermont, the States, and every country is being taken over by these things. 

                                                                                                                                                                                 "Now, my revenge has started." 

Wowzers, this is good stuff. I'm not making a part two though, I don't think I can. I mean, if you want to then by all means go ahead and PM me if you finish it and want me to read it, okay? That's all for this one shot. Bah bye!

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