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Requested by xXx_TeenWolfGirl_xXx

Pairing:Winchesters x reader

                                                                Y/n shivers as she pulls her jacket closer. "Hello, darling," a smooth voice said. "Crowley," she greeted. "I expected another demon, not you," Crowley chuckled. "But this is you, not someone else," said Crowley. "You want to make a deal, yes? What is it you want?" 
                                                                 Sam and Dean, they both were injured horribly during a hunt for a werewolf. Instead of one, there were more than one and both were injured. She was younger than them so they made her stay behind in the impala. She killed the werewolves, took Dean and Sam to a hospital only to get word that both had fallen into a coma. 
                                                                   Crowley smirked when they pulled away from the kiss. "See you in hell, darling." 

~time skip~

                                                                     One year, it's been one year when Y/n had made the deal. Dean and Sam woke up from their comas, and walked out of the hospital once they recovered. The duo had found the impala near the abandoned railroad, Dean frowned and Sam looked around. "Why would Y/n come here?" Dean mused. "Because of her deal," a voice rang out. "Crowley," Dean growled. "The hell are you doing here?" He growled. "Because that sweet little girl of yours, Squirrel? She made a deal to save you both. Her body is in the back of the car." 
                                                                      Sam ripped open the door to find the dead body of Y/n, he pulled her out and cradled her in his arms. "I'm going to kill you," Dean hissed, Crowley laughed. "Good luck with that, Squirrel." And he's gone. "Dean," Sam started. "What are we going to do with her?" 
                                                                       They didn't have the heart to burn her body, they kept it. They buried her close to the bunker. Saying goodbye was difficult for the both of them. Dean was found often sitting in front of her grave, just staring at the grave. Why would you do this, Y/n? 

~time skip~

                                                                         A hand shot up from a grave, someone pulled themself out of the grave, gasping and coughing. A hand offered her to pull her up and she took it. "Easy there, sweet cheeks. Welcome back to the living." 
                                                                           The man, or angel, took her back to a safe house where she showered and got changed into clean clothing. "You wanna head back?" He asked. "I do want to see Dean and Sam," Y/n admits. "Then the bunker we go!" He said. "Who are you anyways?" She asks. "Gabriel, sweet cheeks. The name is Gabriel." 
                                                                              He grabbed her wrist and they were gone. Dean and Sam were in the library, researching. The sudden entrance caused Dean to be knocked backwards, he and the chair went down together. "Dean? Sam?" Sam choked. "Y/n?" A huge grin appeared. "Sammy!" She cheered, she leaped and Sam caught her. "Missed you, Sammy," she mumbled. "Miss you too." Sam said. "Gabriel? The hell? Did you bring Y/n back?" Dean groaned. "Sure did 'cause I'm her angel guardian!" 

I suck at writing fluffy stuff nowadays. I used to write so much fluffy stuff, but now my brain is dead, dead I tell you. Anyways, my question for an SPN RP book is still in the air, waiting for an answer here. 

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