Winchesters x reader

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You're Dean, and Sam's younger half sister. Warning, I cried while writing this. You also have blond hair, and hazel eyes

Y/n's pov

I watched Dad clap Dean, and Sam on the shoulders, and started to walk away without me, I sighed, and lagged behind. I heard laughing, and talking from the three of them, when we reached the motel, I expected someone to notice me, but I was wrong again. "Dad?" I tried, he didn't respond. "Dad?" I tried again, I was greeted by a knife nearly hitting my forehead. "Get the hell out of here," my face dropped. "What?" I whispered. "Get. the. hell. out of here," I looked at Dean, and Sam for help, but they did nothing, but stand there. "GET OUT!" I grabbed my belongings, and left with tears pouring down my cheeks.

Before leaving the motel, I pulled out my phone, and dropped it, and the screen cracked. I then trudged away from the motel with the rain hitting me hard, but I didn't care, who cares about me? I sniffed, and wiped my nose with my hand. Maybe Bobby will take me in. I reached a bus station, and bought a ticket so I can go see him. When the bus came, I boarded. I pulled out my small walk man out from my backpack, and plugged in headphones into my ears, and started to listen to Perfect by Simple Plan. Hours flew by, and I finally reached my destination. I got off, and walked all the way over to Bobby's.

I hesitated to knock, and I gently knocked on the door.

Bobby's pov

'Who's crazy enough to come here during this storm?' I thought to myself, I opened the door, and jumped to see a very drenched little Y/n Winchester. "Get your ass in here, you idjit!" Y/n gave me a weak smile, and entered.

I immediately wrapped a blanket around her, and started to make some hot chocolate for the poor child. I brought the cup over to her. "Are you alright, kiddo?" She accepted the mug, and shook her head. "What are you doing all the way out here?" I asked. "Dad kicked me out." She mumbled. "John kicked you out?" I repeated, she nodded. "Did your brothers say anything?" I asked, another shake. "Those idjits." I muttered, I marched right over to a phone, and dialed John's number.

Y/n's pov

I finished the hot chocolate, and I heard yelling from Bobby, I didn't even bother listening knowing Dad, he doesn't give a fuck about me. I headed upstairs where I can take a hot shower, after my shower, I walked into a spare bedroom where I got dressed.

When I walked back downstairs, I saw Bobby still on the phone, and still yelling. I started to fix dinner for the both of us, I don't know if Bobby ate or not, so may as well make him something too. Bobby turned to see me cooking, he gave me a small smile before yelling into the phone again. I found some chili in the cupboard, and decided to make some chili soup for the two of us. I heard footsteps. "You okay, sweetheart?" I nodded, Bobby sighed. "How'd it go?" I softly asked. "Not good," said Bobby, he started helping me cook. "It seems like he doesn't even want you," my heart cracked. "And Sam, and Dean?" Bobby stilled. "They didn't want you either." My heart broke completely, and I dropped the plate I currently had in my hands, and it broke. "Nobody loves me," I whispered, Bobby held my shoulders. "That's bullshit," said Bobby. "I love you, and those three are idjits who can't see a wonderful girl," said Bobby. "You can stay with me as long as you want, hell, I'll let you call me dad if you want," I sniffed, and gave him a weak smile. "Really?" I asked, Bobby hugged me. "Yeah." He answered, I buried my face into his chest. "Thank you."

*time skip*

I drove 1998 Chevy truck back home, I heard barking, and Rufus ran up to me with his tail wagging making me laugh. "Hey buddy." I greeted him, I scratched his head, and walked back home only to stop when I saw a familiar car.

I gulped, and headed inside, I heard voices, I spotted two faces I never want to see again. Bobby spotted me, and gave me a gesture, and I quickly bounded upstairs. I heard footsteps following me, I shut the door, and pushed my back against the door. I heard banging. "Y/n, open the door," Dean's deep voice ordered. "Open it or I'll break it down," I refused to move. "I'm breaking it down on three," Dean warned. "One," I didn't move. "Two," still didn't. "Y/n, I'm serious." I heard someone tackling Dean down. "You leave my princess alone." I heard Bobby's gruff voice fighting Dean off. "That's my baby sister!" Dean grunted, I heard knocking. "Y/n, babe, open the door," I heard Sam's sweet voice say. "Please, Dean, and I only want to talk to you."

Sam sighed, and said something that I couldn't hear. "That's right, you idjits! Leave! You are no longer welcomed here!" I heard Bobby shout. "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" I grimaced when he said that, that's exactly what Dad said to me. I curled up in a ball, and rocked back, and forth. The door opened. "Princess?" I didn't respond. "I'm not perfect," I whimpered. "You are perfect, princess," said Bobby. "You said the same exact words Dad said to me when he told me to leave," I whimpered, Bobby stilled. "You know I didn't mean it to you," said Bobby. "I know," I whispered. "But it still hurt," Bobby held me close. "I love you, Y/n, always." I held him close. "I love you too, Bobby," I sniffed. "I love you too."

2nd person view

Dean, and Sam watched you, and Bobby from below, both felt horrible for what happened to you two years ago. "I hate myself," Dean muttered. "I hate how I didn't stick up for her," Sam felt the same. "Me too," Sam admitted. "How could've we be that stupid?" Asked Sam. "How could we let this happen to our baby sister?" Dean shook his head. "I don't know," said Dean. "At least she's happy with Bobby," said Dean. "I know," said Sam. "But it still hurts how Dad treated her," Dean nodded. "It does," he agreed. "But someday, she'll forgive us." Sam nodded. "Someday." He agreed

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