Sam x childreader!

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Sam's pov

                                                                                                                                                           Dean, and I found a case here in a mental hospital, and we just finished interviewing a witness. I heard padding of footsteps heading my way quickly, I stopped making Dean stop too. "What?" He asked. "Can't you hear that?" I asked, I heard sliding, and I flinched when I saw a small child at the age of four or so, she quickly ran over to me, and hid behind me. "Best that you hand her over, sir," said a nurse. "It's time for her to go back to her room," I glanced at the girl, and she shook her head as a 'no' I looked back up. "No thank you," I replied. "Sir," the nurse protested. "When was the last time she went outside?" I cut her off. "When?" The nurse opened her mouth to answer only to close. "Never I'm guessing," I said, I picked the child up, and she desperately clutched onto my neck. "Now, let her out for once." The nurse sighed. "I'll speak to her doctor." I glanced at the child while the nurse walked away.

                                                                                                                                                       I carried the child to the gardens. "What's your name?" I asked softly. "Y/n," she mumbled, she rested her head on the crook of my neck. "So," said Dean. "What's a kid like you doing in a mental hospital?" Y/n pursed her lip. "My mommy, and daddy brought me here," said Y/n. "They said I'm too, too, rebellion?" I smiled. "I think you meant to say rebellious," I corrected her. "Probably," she mumbled. "I can see ghosts too. I name them all," Dean, and I shared a look. "Ghosts?" I repeated. "Hmh," she hummed. "Is that bad?" She perked up. "No, no, no, that's not bad at all," I said. "Really?" She asked. "It's not bad? I'm not crazy?" I couldn't help, but smile at the small child. "Yeah, you're not crazy." I said, she smiled brightly at me. "Yay!" She cheered. 

                                                                                                                                                       Y/n rested her head on my shoulder when she grew tired of playing outside, I carried her back inside, and a nurse guided me back to her room. I tucked her in, the nurse smiled. "It's been a long time since I've seen her smile," said the nurse. "I guess she's happier with you." I smiled. "I guess she is." 

                                                                       *time skip*

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                                     "Where am I going again?" The nurse sighed, and stopped packing my belongings. "Y/n, I've told you already," she sighed. "That nice FBI man? He's taking you in," I nodded. "Why?" I asked tilting my head. "I don't know," said the nurse. "I guess he just wants you out of here." I shrugged. "Okay!" 

                                                                                                                                                       She took my hand, and lead me out, I spotted him instantly, I released her hand, and ran over to hug his leg. "Hey," he greeted me, he picked me up, and balanced me on his hip. "Are you taking me home?" I asked tilting my head to the side. "Yeah," he said. "I'm taking you home." 

                                                            *time skip*

Sam's pov  

                                                                                                                                                   "Over here! It's over here, Daddy!" Dean quickly started digging while I popped the cap open to the salt, and oil. "Sam, you better help me," Dean grunted, I handed the oil, and salt over to Y/n. "Hurry! She's getting closer!" Y/n cried out. "Daddy!" I dropped the shovel, and grabbed the oil, and salt from her while Y/n lit the match, and dropped it making the bones go up with the ghost. "Good job, kid," said Dean, he ruffled Y/n's h/c hair making her giggle. "Yeah," I agreed, I picked her up. "Let's go home." Y/n rested her head on my shoulder as we walked back to the impala. "You love her," said Dean as he drove, I looked back to see Y/n sleeping peacefully. "I do," I said. "I'll always will." 

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