Castiel x reader

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Castiel's pov

                                                                                                                                       "How are they?" Asked Y/n. "Sam, and Dean I mean," I looked at the youngest Winchester with sympathy. "They are grieving still," I replied. "They miss you, terribly," Y/n nodded, I looked back at her older brothers. "I do not understand," I said, she looked at me. "Why do you refuse to let me bring you back?" Y/n sighed. "That's because I died, Cas," said Y/n. "If I die then I stay dead. I knew I was going to die at some point, and I did, and I'm staying dead," I looked at Y/n again. "But they are grieving." I said. "I know," said Y/n. "I know." 

                                                                                                                                      Y/n returned to her personal heaven, and I watched her be happy there with her mother, and father. I sighed, and returned to the bunker. "Dean, Sam," I greeted both brothers, they stopped going on hunts now. "Hey Cas," Dean greeted me, he took a swig of beer. "Where you've been?" I opened my mouth to answer only to stop, then. "I saw your sister, she is very happy in her personal heaven," the beer bottle slipped out of Dean's hand, Sam stared at me. "She's....... happy?" Sam repeated. "Very," I said. "I've asked her multiple times, but she refuses to let me bring her back." Sam slammed his laptop cover down. "It's my fault," said Sam. "It's my fault she's dead," Dean didn't say anything. "I let that ghoul get her, I let my guard down." Again, Dean didn't say anything. 

                                                                                                                                    "Sam," Dean finally spoke. "It wasn't your fault," Sam looked at Dean. "How can you say that?" Asked Sam. "Our baby sister is dead, Dean! Dead!" I silently returned to heaven. "Y/n, they are in need of help. Your help." She turned to face me. "Then bring me back." 

                                                                                         *time skip*

                                                                                                                                    I helped Y/n inside the bunker, I placed her down on the couch, and left to find Dean, and Sam. I found Dean first, then Sam. I brought both back to the library, and then, Y/n was bombarded with hugs, and questions. "Ask Cas." Is all Y/n said. Y/n was carried to bed by Sam, Dean looked at me. "Thank you for bringing her back." And he too, is gone to check on Y/n. 

                                                                                                                                  During the night, I checked on Y/n. Surprisingly, both Sam, and Dean are sleeping by her side. She slept in between both brothers, her head rested on Dean's chest while her back is firmly pressed against Sam's chest. Those two won't let her die again, especially when she died for the first time. 

I had time to work on this during school, I'm sorry if this was a bit rushed. 

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