Dean x reader

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Requested by Risk_Dash
Key:f/n=father's name
M/n=mother's name

Y/n's pov

                                                                                    Dean, and I were having a nice day to ourselves when all of a sudden Sam bursts out saying 'I got it!' And here we are! Hunting a djinn. "Tell me again, what does this djinn do?" I asked. "Djinns usually give people good dreams, while the victim is in the dream, the djinn sucks the life out of the victims," said Sam. "Oh," I softly said, the impala came to a stop. "Okay, here's the plan," said Dean. "We bust in there, and kill that fucker," Sam, and I shared a look. "Uh, shouldn't there be a better plan?" I asked. "Yeah, aren't we going to risk the innocents' lives?" Sam agreed. "You guys are ganging up on me!" Dean grumbled. "Look, let's add onto Dean's plan," I said. "We stealthily look for the djinn while looking for the victims, wake the victims up, get them out, then we kill the fucker," Dean, and Sam shared a look. "Sounds good." Said Sam, he got out, and started preparing himself. "I am so lucky to have you," said Dean. "Hmh, yes you are." I agreed, I leaned in, and gave him a kiss. "Come on, let's kill this thing, and go back to the motel." Said Dean, he got out, and started preparing too, and I did the same.

                                                                                    We decided to split up when we came to a three way route. Dean took the left, Sam took the middle, and I took the right, before we split, Dean gently grabbed my hand, and ran his thumb across my knuckle, and I did the same. I looked in every room I passed by, and I saw no victims anywhere. 'Damn,' I thought. 'Where could they be?' I turned around only to be knocked out.

Dean's pov

                                                                                  I met Sam back where the three way route was only to see Y/n wasn't back yet. "Where the hell is she?" I asked. "Do you think the djinn got her?" Asked Sam, I loaded my gun. "We're about to find out." I said, Sam had my back while I looked forward. We searched through every room only to see nothing, Sam stopped me when we passed another room. "Found them," said Sam. "But no Y/n," I cursed. "Get them out of here, I'll look for her myself," Sam gave me a look. "Dean, that's dangerous," said Sam. "Just do it, Sam, get them out of here," I growled, Sam nodded. "Alright," said Sam. "Hey, get her, and yourself out of here safely alright?" I nodded. "Alright." And we split.

                                                                                  I continued to look through different rooms, I stopped when I reached a larger one. I spotted Y/n, she's chained to a pole, and knocked out. I rushed over to her. "Hey, n/n, wake up," I muttered, I gently patted her cheek several times. "Wake up."

Y/n's pov

                                                                              My mother smiled at me when I started helping her make dinner, I smiled back, and chuckled when I heard the squeals of my siblings, and deep laughter from my father. That's when everything changed, four men stood there with knives out, we were all tied up with gags. The leader stepped forward. "Hello, f/n, such a lovely family you started," he said, he pulled the gag off of my father. "Stay away from them," my father growled. "Take me, and leave them," the leader scoffed before chuckling. "Where's the fun in that?" He asked, he spotted me. "You must be the oldest of your siblings," he said, he traced my cheek with the tip of the knife, but I didn't scream. "Well, aren't you a strong girl," he commented, he suddenly stabbed the knife to my thigh, and I screamed into the gag. "No! Let her go!" My father struggled against the bonds. "Forgot the exorcism I see," said the man, my siblings just stared while my mother sobbed. "Well, since all of you are defenseless, might as well enjoy my time." I gulped. "Y/n! Wake up!" A voice from far away echoed. "Wake up!"

                                                                          Reality came to be slowly, I saw Dean in front of me, he's covered in blood. "I am so glad you're awake," he mumbled, he kissed me hard before untying me. "Come on, let's go," I tried to get up only for me to stumble, Dean swiftly picked me up. "Where's Sam?" I asked. "Leading the victims out of here," said Dean. "What did the djinn show you?" I didn't answer for a bit. "He showed me my family," I softly answered. "Before they were murdered," Dean slowed to a stop. "They were murdered?" He asked. "By demons, my father used to be a hunter until he met my mother. After the police cleaned the place up, I snuck into my house, and searched through my dad's old things, I found a book explaining how to kill certain supernatural creatures, and different traps. I searched the house to see multiple traps that I've never noticed before, none of them were broken, so the question is, how did they get inside? That is a question I will never get an answer to," Dean gently placed me on the floor with one hand carefully on my waist while the other gently caressed my cheek. "That's all in the past, Y/n," Dean said, he kissed my forehead. "We're your family now," I gently rested my head on his shoulder. "Promise you won't die?" Dean planted another kiss to my forehead. "Promise," he mumbled, we heard footsteps, and Dean yanked out his gun only to lower it when he saw Sam. "Y/n, you alright?" Sam asked. "Perfecto," I said giving him a thumbs up. "Okay, um, let's get out of here then. All of the victims made it out alive," said Sam. "Yeah, let's go," Dean agreed, Sam started to leave. "Hey Sam," Sam turned to see the keys to Baby, he fumbled with it before getting a good grip on it. "You can drive for today, I'll sit in the back with Y/n," I looked up at Dean, and he gave me a smile. "You sure?" Asked Sam. "Yeah, I'm sure." Sam shrugged. "Alright." Said Sam.

                                                                            When Baby started up, I curled up in Dean's arms, Dean tightened his grip on me, slowly, I relaxed, knowing Dean will always be by my side with Sam. Nobody is going to take them away from me............ nobody

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