Dean x reader

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Requested by Risk_Dash

                                                                       Dean noticed something was off about Y/n. Ever since she came back from hell, she's getting less and less sleep. What was the word Sam said when he and Dean talked about this? Insomnia? Yeah, that's the right word. Insomnia.

                                                                           He tried talking to her several times, but she brushes him off every time making him worried. During hunts, she freezes, looking petrified. Especially a demon hunt.

                                                                           Some days, when a hunt is finished, she refuses to leave her room. She once chased Cas out of her bedroom with an angel blade cursing in Latin then to French, Russian, Spanish and back to Latin.

                                                                         When she is out of her room, Dean can see dark bags underneath her eyes. He can hear her bedsheets crumpling as she tossed and turned. Every panicked gasp. Panicked deep breaths.

                                                                          He just wants to help. If she stopped being such a stubborn ass and open the damn door then he'd sleep next to her in a heartbeat. He'd let her curl up by his side. He'd let her cry until she's tired to sleep. He'd do anything for her.

                                                                      Cas suggested he should wipe out her memory. Two lore books were thrown at him for that suggestion.

                                                                       During a hunt, Sam got injured because Y/n got petrified again. Dean drove back to the bunker in complete silence while Y/n sat in the back with tears pouring down her cheeks.

                                                                          The minute the impala was parked in the garage, she took off straight to her bedroom. Dean helped Sam into his bedroom and took care of him before walking to Y/n's bedroom.

                                                                             He, surprisingly, found the door open. He opened it slowly, not wanting to get hit by a book, knife, bullet, etc(it's happened before and he's prepared to dodge them all).

                                                                              He found her red faced, eyes red, lips quivering, her knees tucked to her chest, rocking back and forth. Dean sat down next to her and pulled her close to him, she rested her head against his shoulder.

                                                                             "It's okay."

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