Child's War

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This is an AU I suppose.                                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                     Sitting in an unknown van, was eleven year old Y/n Winchester, the young daughter of Dean Winchester. There were five burly men holding guns, watching her and the rest of the kids stuck in the van. The van came to a stop and the men shoved the kids out of the van. 

                                                                                                                                                                  A desert, that's all she can see. She was no longer in Kansas with her father and uncle. Someone kicked her, forcing her to move and she did, catching up with the rest of the kids. They reached some war camp. The kids were given weapons, guns to be precise. Y/n then understood where she was, she was in Iraq, or at least, a country that was war torn. She saw a map and she figured out where she was, she was in Syria. 

                                                                                                                                                                     She was shoved into some tent, it was filled with children younger than her. She knew how to speak Arabic and understood what other say. She picked up from the men guarding the tents. The kids, including herself, will be used as soldiers for every battle that they start. 

                                                                                                                                                                       She started to speak to the children in Arabic, convincing them to run with her at night. They all looked at each other, some shook their heads in agreement while the others shook their heads as a no. "So you would rather be soldiers than be free?" She asked in Arabic. "Or would you rather flee from here and be free from this war?" Several more children agreed to run with her while the others refused. 

                                                                                                                                                                        Those who refused agreed to keep their plan of running a secret. When it was dark, Y/n and several children at the ages of eight through ten carried bags filled with water, food and guns. When the guards changed, they fled. They had split up, Kids who were eight or older had taken at least fives kids, including Y/n and they moved. Since Y/n was the oldest, she had taken six instead of five. 

                                                                                                                                                                          Avoiding lights, guards, scouts, and patrolling men may be difficult, but making sure the kids made it out was even harder. There were several who almost gave up their position, Y/n was forced to stop and she had to calm the child down before starting to move again. There was gun fire. Someone was caught. They broke into a run reached the rendezvous point, those who made it were missing some kids. 

                                                                                                                                                                            At least twenty kids had made it out. "We need to move, fast." Y/n said in Arabic. "I know these parts." Andiun, a seven year old boy said. "My papa and I would go through these parts sometimes." She nodded. "Then you'll lead us." He nodded

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