Sam x reader

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Sam's pov

                                                                                                                                                             "What's the matter, baby?" I cooed at the small four year old girl. "Where Mamma?" Asked my little girl. "She's going to be here soon," I cooed at her. "Come on, let's get you to bed," she shook her head. "No, wanna see Mamma," she said stubbornly. "Annie, she's going to come back soon, okay? I'll ask her to wake you up when she comes back," Annie whined. "Wanna stay up," I picked her up. "Well, good girls go to bed, are you a good girl?" Annie pouted but nodded. "I am, Daddy," I kissed her forehead. "Then let's get you to bed." Annie pouted again. "Okay, Daddy." 

                                                                                                                                                                I carried Annie to bed, I tucked her into bed and turned the night light on for her, I handed the stuffed moose to Annie, and she grasped it. "Are you sure you want that?" I asked. "Yes, Daddy," said Annie. "Uncle Dean gave it," I sighed. "Right," I said. "Your favorite uncle," Annie giggled making me smile. "Alright," I said, I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight." Annie snuggled into her covers. "Goodnight, Daddy." I kissed her forehead again, pushed a strand of h/c hair out of her hazel eyes, checked the traps and salt before leaving her bedroom

                                                                                                                                                                  I carefully maneuvered over to the library and propped my leg up with a cushion, I had to use a crutch to get around letting me carry Annie with the other when she wanted/needed it. I grabbed my laptop and opened it only to groan at the website that popped up. 'Dammit, Dean,' I cursed in my head. 'Stop watching porn on my laptop.' I heard the door to the bunker opening and two voices. 

                                                                                                                                                                    "I swear to God, Y/n, Sam is going to kill me if he finds out about that stunt you pulled," I heard Dean saying, my brows furrowed together immediately. "Oh shut up, you ass, at least we got it done," said Y/n. "Yeah, but at what cost?" Dean replied, both walked into the library covered in blood. "Relax, Sammy, this isn't my blood," Y/n immediately when I opened my mouth. "Well, at least most of it," Dean rolled his eyes. "By most, you mean all of it," said Dean. "Your wife here decided to be the bait," Y/n rolled her eyes. "Did you have any other ideas?" Asked Y/n. "Anyways, where's Annie?" I scoffed. "Are you sure you wanna go see her like that?" Y/n glanced at her clothing. "Point taken." I rolled my eyes as Y/n rushed off to change. 

                                                                                                                                                                     I patched her up before she rushed off again, and I heard a high pitched scream of joy, and laughter. I walked in and leaned against the door way watching them. "I missed you, Mamma," said Annie, she held onto Y/n tightly. "Aw, I missed you too, baby," said Y/n. "Were you good for Daddy?" Annie giggled. "A perfect angel," I answered. "Literally," Y/n smiled. "Come here, Moose." I chuckled, and joined them, I carefully propped my leg up as I sat in the middle with Annie on my right and Y/n on my right. "I am the luckiest man alive," Y/n kissed my cheek and Annie did the same with the other. "You are." Y/n agreed. "Yup!" Annie said, I pulled them close to me. "I love you guys." 

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