Dean x reader part 2!

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Requested by Risk_Dash

                                                                 Dean heard the door to his bedroom creaking open, he sighs and lies on his back, one arm already open for the intruder to cuddle into his side.

                                                                   It's always been the same ever since he comforted her for the first time. During the day, he helps her with her panic attacks and petrifying attacks. At night, he gets her through the night with a full night of sleep.

                                                                      Sam was happy that she was starting to get more sleep now, her panic and petrifying attacks lessening, she was starting to become her old self again.

                                                                        At some point, Dean thought she was ready to sleep on her own. It wasn't even a full five minutes when she started screaming for Dean, crying for him like a child screaming for their mother.

                                                                       Dean realized, this may never end. She has full on PTSD, this is worse than his and Sam's PTSD. Maybe Cas' suggestion is a good thing. Maybe he should wipe out her memory and give her a new life, away from this.

                                                                       Dean shook his head, no, he can't do that. He'd go crazy. As the said girl slept peacefully on top of him, Dean rubs circles on her back while humming a Metallica song to himself.

                                                                        Dean carefully placed Y/n down on the bed and wrapped her up with his blanket hoping that might give her some comfort while he's gone.

                                                                            He wasn't surprised to see Sam still awake, Sam looked up from his computer and saw Dean's look. "Whatever it is, it's a bad idea."

~time skip~

                                                                             "You were saying?" Dean asked, he, Sam, and Y/n had left the hunting life and had their apple pie life.

                                                                          There was high pitched squealing as two children ran around the large yard as their mother chased after them. "I'm coming for you!" Y/n cried out making the kids squeal even more. "Daddy!" A little girl with h/c hair and bright green eyes yelled out. "Help us!" The boy with golden hair and e/c eyes finished his sister's sentence.

                                                                            Dean got up from his rocking chair and stepped off the porch. The kids raced over to him and he caught them then whispered. "I got you two." Both children's eyes widened then burst out laughing and squealing as Dean pinned them both down by tickling them.

                                                                            Y/n smiles as Dean, her loving husband and somewhat cheerleader, played with her children. "You did good, Y/n," said Sam. "You helped him change." She smiled. "Yeah," she agreed. "But he helped me too, Sam."

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