Sam x reader

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Y/n's pov

Sam groaned softly as I ran my fingers through his dark, long, locks making me smile. I leaned in, and kissed him softly. "I love you," I murmured. "Hmh, love you too, baby," Sam murmured back, and kissed me. Since Sam has his head resting in my lap, I can hover him. "Get a room," we pulled away to see Dean. "Fuck off, Dean," I said. "Wha-? Sam, come on, you can't seriously be siding with her for this one," said Dean, Sam sat up, and shrugged. "Sorry, Dean, I'm siding her with this one," said Sam. "I hate you, guys," said Dean. "We hate you too," I said. "Bitch," said Dean. "Jerk," Sam fired back. "Ass," I added. "What the fuck, Y/n?" I stuck my tongue out at him, and he left while Sam chuckled. "That was awesome." I smiled. "It was."

I wished Sam and I could just stay there, making out, unfortunately, we had a case. "Don't have sex back there," said Dean. "I rather keep Baby sex free," Sam, and I rolled our eyes. "Yeah right," I said. "I bet you had sex with a girl here once," Dean didn't say anything making Sam gap at him. "You did have sex here!" Dean's face went pink. "No, I didn't!" He protested. "Too late, Dean, you already said enough." I sang, Dean started to curse as he drove.

I curled up in Sam's arms, Sam rubbed soothing circles on my hip and that was causing me to fall asleep. "Get some sleep, baby, I'll be here when you wake up," said Sam. "Sleep." I slowly shut my eyes letting sleep overcome me.

Sam's pov

I carefully pulled my jacket off, and placed it over Y/n, she shifted, and I felt her lips brushing against my neck softly. "God, I can't stand the chick flick moment," Dean groaned. "Shut up, Dean," I snapped. "I'm pretty sure you'd do the same if you had a girlfriend," Dean shut his mouth after that. "How is she?" Asked Dean. "Fine," I answered. "What are we hunting anyways?" The impala spun out of control.

I lost my grip on Y/n, I managed to pull myself out of the impala. "Sam?" I groaned. "I'm good," I answered. "I lost Y/n," Dean looked around. "I think I know what we're hunting," said Dean. "What?" I asked, Dean pulled me up to my feet, and I saw markings. "Werewolves."

Y/n's pov

I moaned softly as I woke up, I saw myself tied to a bed wearing nothing but a nightgown. "Hello, love," I saw a man sitting there with a grin. "What do you want?" I asked. "You of course," he said. "What are you?" I asked. "Werewolf, darling," he said. "And I'm looking for a mate," I shuddered as his eyes went from top to bottom. "Well, you're too late," I said. "I'm taken." He grinned. "Really?" He asked, he strode over to. "I don't think so." I gulped

*time skip*

I felt hands gently touching making me jump. "Whoa, easy there, Y/n," I relaxed. "Sammy?" I felt a soothing kiss on my forehead. "Yeah, baby, it's me," said Sam. "I wanna go home." I whimpered. "I know you do, babe," said Sam, he untied me, and picked me up after wrapping me with his jacket. "We're going home, baby, we're going home." I snuggled into his chest, and closed my eyes.

The drive back was silent, the only sound that was made were whimpers from me. Sam kept kissing my forehead, and rocking me back and forth soothing me while saying 'I love you' when I woke up again, I'm in bed with Sam by my side. "What did he do?" He asked. "He raped me," I murmured. "He kept telling me that I'm his mate," Sam kissed my forehead. "Did he bite you?" I shook my head as a no. "Surprisingly, no," I said. "Sammy, I don't want to get pregnant with his child," Sam kissed the top of my head. "I know," said Sam. "If you do, you can always get an abortion." I nodded. "Okay."

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