Winchesters x reader part 2!

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                                                                                                                                                 Sam gave Y/n a sleepy smile. "Hey," he greeted back, he kissed her forehead gently. "Thanks for taking care of me when I was a cat," Sam mumbled, pulling her closer. "Kitten," she corrected. "And no problem," she added, she snuggled into Sam's chest. "Dean's not going to let you hear the end of this, you know." Sam sighs. "Yeah, I know, kiddo." 

                                                                                                                                                   When both got up for the day, and breakfast was made, Dean finally walked in. "Well, well. Good ol' Sammy's back," Dean chuckled, he started filling up his plate. "How was it, Sammy? Getting babied by Y/n, I mean?" A knife was thrown at him cutting the tip of his left ear. "Next time, I won't miss," Y/n muttered, Sam relaxed in his seat. "You heard her, Dean," said Sam. "She's not going to miss next time," Dean gulped. "And to answer your question, it was nice." Sam added. "Maybe I should be the one who got turned into a cat," Dean muttered. "I'd just kick you out of the bunker and let you be a street cat," said Y/n. "You really hate me, don't you?" Dean replied, she shrugs. "Hey, you're the one who didn't help me take care of Kitten Sammy." 

                                                                                                                                                     An hour later, Y/n was currently stuck in her history class, listening to her teacher ramble on about the Italian Renaissance, her phone vibrated and she quickly checked to see a text from Sam. 'Hey, we've got another witch hunt a state over. We'll be back soon :).' she quickly looked up to check if her teacher was still rambling and quickly texted back. 'Don't turn into a cat again, Sam. Or Dean. I don't want to take care of him.' Sam instantly texted back. 'I'll try not to ;).' She rolls her eyes and pays attention to the teacher again. 

~time skip~

                                                                                                                                                      She heard the bunker door opening, Y/n looked up from her laptop, ready to greet Sam. Sam had something hidden in his jacket making Y/n arch an eyebrow and Sam revealed what he was hiding. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!" 

                                                                                                                                                        Dean, the kitten, sat in front of Y/n adorably, he titled his head to the side and let out a small 'meow' Y/n glared at Sam. "You told me you'll be careful!!" She hissed. "You said me, not to Dean," Sam pointed out. "Sam!" He raised his hands in defense. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry," he apologized. "Sorry isn't enough! We have to take care of him now! Or better yet, you take care of him!" Sam looked flabbergasted. "Me?! You take care him! You took care of me so it can't be too hard to take care of Dean!" Sam protested. "Yeah? Any idea how difficult it is to feed Dean when he's human?!? He's going to be even more difficult than he is!" Y/n snapped back, Kitten Dean padded over to Y/n and started playing the leashes of her shoe. "Look! He likes you!" Sam pointed out. "Shut up," Y/n hissed, she picks Kitten Dean up and shoves him into Sam's arms. "I ain't doing this shit." 

                                                                                                                                                        Days passed by, Dean started following Cas whenever he came by to visit(Destiel!). Most of the time, Dean follows Sam or Cas, leaving Y/n completely alone just like how she liked it. She finished her homework and looked at the time only to realize it was late. She got changed and climbed into bed, she snuggled into her covers and slept. 

~the next morning~

                                                                                                                                                         Sam was in the kitchen making breakfast when he heard. "GET OFF OF MY FACE, DEAN WINCHESTER OR I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!!" Sam thought to himself. 'May the Death Games begin.'  

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