Jack x reader

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Jack is a new character to me so please forgive me if I get his personality and all that shit wrong, I know he's nephilim and the son of Lucifer from Tumblr and Wattpad and that he's almost as clueless as Cas(RIP, Cas, RIP). Also, this was requested by ChuChuthefox 

                                                                                                                                                                Jack, how should somebody describe him? Ah, yes, he's clueless like Cas, but Jack is such a sweetheart and very adorable. The middle child of the Winchesters befriended Jack easily. Y/n giggles as she held Jack's arm, she rested her head against his shoulder. "What are you doing?" Jack asked. "Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack," Y/n sighs. "Just relax, I'm giving you affection," she giggled. "Then...... what do I do?" He asked. "Wrap your arms around me." And Jack did. 

                                                                                                                                                                    "GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY SISTER!" Dean's deep voice boomed, Jack jumped back at the sudden yelling and Y/n yelped as Dean flushed her to his chest in a protective manner. "I swear, if I see you touching her again I will kill you with my bare hands," Dean growled, Y/n slammed her heel down to Dean's foot making him yell out in pain. "FUCK YOU, DEAN!" Y/n snapped. "I'm just trying to hang out with Jack!" Dean gave Y/n the look and she knew he did not like him one bit. "I don't give a shit about what you think, Dean," she hissed. "Sam said I can hang out with him!" Y/n protested, Dean glared at Sam and Sam shrugged. "I did say it," Sam admitted, Dean glared and his arms tightened around Y/n. "I don't care about what you think, Dean," Y/n hissed. "If I wanna hang out with Jack, then I will! I'm not a child! In fact, I'm older than Sam by two fucking years!" Sam went back to researching, not wanting to get caught in this heated argument. Then. "FUCK YOU, DEAN! GO FUCK YOURSELF!" And Y/n grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him out. 

                                                                                                                                                                        Dean was about to chase after them, but Sam had stopped him. "Let go of me, Sammy! I need to punch that little shit!" Dean hissed. "Dude, stop," Sam said, he forced Dean to sit down. "I get it, she's two years younger than you, but you have to admit she's old enough to take care of herself and Jack is too clueless to do anything to her," Dean huffed. "I don't know if you made a promise to Dad to keep her safe or whatever, but she's freakin' thirty-seven. Leave her and Jack alone." 


                                                                                                                                                                            Y/n and Jack were found at a bar, Jack sitting on a stool awkwardly while Y/n downed another Jack Daniels. "You are angry," Jack finally cut in. "He was only trying to protect you," Y/n slammed down another Jack Daniels. "I know he is," she grumbled. "But he is such an ass. He can bring home any girl he wants and I can't bring home a guy? Fuck that shit," Jack said nothing. "As I said before," said Jack. "He's only trying to protect you," Jack repeated. "He's still an ass," she grumbles, Y/n tossed a couple of bills on the counter. "C'mon, Jack. Let's blow this fucking popsicle stand." 

                                                                                                                                                                          Hours later, the two returned. Instead of drunk like how most would think, they came back as sober, well, Y/n at least, she didn't trust Jack to drink around her yet. The duo found Sam still awake, Sam mouthed. 'He's mad, not at you, but himself,' Y/n raised an eyebrow. 'Talk to him,' she shakes her head. 'And get into another screaming match? Hell no,' Sam shakes his head. 'Y/n, please,' Sam pleaded, she groans. 'Fine.' Sam smiles in victory. 'Thanks, sis.' 

                                                                                                                                                                             She left Jack in Sam's care while she found Dean, he was nursing a beer, whiskey, and Jack Daniels. "About time you came home," Dean said. "About time you stopped being such an ass," she spat back, Dean took a swig of beer and she snatched it from him. "Hey!" Dean protested, she threw it against the wall and the beer bottle exploded into a million pieces. "What the fuck, Y/n?!" Dean growled, he stood up now angry and Y/n pushed him back down. "You and I are having a conversation about guys." 


                                                                                                                                                                              Sam and Jack started hearing yelling coming from the other room. "Is this normal?" Jack asked. "Yeah, happens every time," Sam sighs. "I just wished they would stop arguing. Especially Dean. He needs to learn that Y/n is no longer a child and that he needs to let go of her," right after those words left his mouth,there was a loud *slap* and the door opened revealing Y/n and Dean with a bright hand print on his cheek. "Well, I'm guessing the conversation went well?" 

Imma stop here, I'm tired, my teeth hurt because of my braces and I can't eat on my left side and my orthodontist did a wonderful job of replacing my bottom wire. The left side of the wire is loose and now I'm scared of eating.  Oh, and Happy Halloween!

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