Me No Likey

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I feel like titling some of the one shots so if you see titles instead of character x reader then don't worry about it, I just want to say this one has a child included.                                                                                                                                                                                                        "Me no likey," Felicia pouted at Sam. "No likey," Sam sighs as he tried feeding her again but she looked away from. "No likey," Sam sighs again. "Y/n! Felicia's being difficult again!" Dean walked in. "Let me," he grunted, Felicia squealed and made grasping motions. "Deanie!" She squealed. "Hey, sweetheart," Dean hummed, he took the spoon from Sam and moved it to Felicia's mouth and she happily ate. "I can't believe this." Sam groaned, Y/n walked in with an armful of laundry. "Aw," she cooed, she kissed Sam's cheek. "Don't pout, Sammy. Dean's being a good daddy," Dean grinned. "Yeah, I ain't a shitty dad." He chuckled, she flicked his forehead. "Language."  

                                                                                                                                                                  Y/n picked up her lovely little daughter up and Felicia wrapped her chubby little arms around her mother's neck. "Momma," Y/n smiles at Felicia and kissed the tip of her nose. "My sweet little bundle of joy," Y/n hummed. "Let's get you a bath, sweetheart." Felicia waved bye to Sam and Dean as Y/n walked away. 

                                                                                                                                                                    While Y/n gave Felicia a bath, Sam and Dean are in the living room of their new home. They somehow left the hunting life and now are living their apple pie life. "This is nice," Dean mused, he had a beer in his hand. "It is," Sam agreed, he leaned back into the chair and sighs. "No more researching, no more hunts, no more anything about hunting," Y/n hummed in agreement as she came in with little miss clean Felicia. "Agreed," she hummed, she kissed Dean's cheek and placed Felicia in his lap. "I have to finish up some paperwork for work, look after Felicia for me?" Dean gave her a loving kiss. "Hmh, sure thing." Dean smiled, she kissed his cheek then Felicia's forehead. "I love you two." She said, she gave Sam a hug then walked to her office. 

                                                                                                                                                                    "Daaaaamn," Dean sighs. "I am one lucky man." Sam rolls his eyes and takes a swig of his own beer. "Yeah, yeah." He waves his hand. Felicia played with the buttons on Dean's shirt, Dean placed a loving kiss to the top of her head and she giggled. "Dada." She giggled. "Yeah, Dada's right here, baby girl." 

                                                                                                                                                                       Several hours later, Dean had made dinner for Y/n since she didn't come into the dining room for dinner, he gently kicked the door open and found his wife frustrated over work. He placed the tray down and stood behind Y/n so he can rub her tense shoulders. He leaned down and kissed her bare shoulder and moved to her neck. "Mhm, Dean," Dean kissed her cheek next. "Hmh?" He hummed. "Idiot, you're distracting me," she growls, Dean scoops her up making her squeak. "You need a break. I'll tell Sam to find a place to stay for the night with Felicia," Y/n punched his chest. "He can stay on the other side of the house with Felicia," She scolded, Dean moves papers out of the way. "Or we can do it here and now." He growls into her ear. "I'm not saying no to that." 

                                                                                                                                                                       Sam cradled Felicia and he heard a loud moan making him shudder. "You're lucky you're not awake, Felicia," Sam muttered. "You don't have to listen to this." 

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