Sam x reader part 3!

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I'm obsessed with Baby Sammy, I can't help myself. The requester is still 

Y/n's pov

                                             Sam rubbed circles on my large stomach while humming a tune, he placed a kiss to my stomach, and resumed rubbing circles while I smiled at him. "I love you," said Sam, I ran my fingers through his long hair. "Love you too," I said, I felt my child kicking making Sam smile. "He sure is a kicker," said Sam. "What makes you think our child is a boy?" I asked. "Just a feeling." Sam said giving me a grin. "Shut up." I said shaking my head, Sam chuckled, and kissed my stomach again.

                                              I'm very lucky that I became human when I conceived, Cas had confirmed it. Sam left so he can make something for me, and the baby, he came back with a plate of sandwich, and a glass of milk. I took it, and started eating it. "It's good," Sam smiled. "Of course it is, I made it." Said Sam. "Shush." I said, and resumed eating the sandwich.

                                            When everybody found out I'pregnant, everybody erupted into cheering in happiness, and while everyone was celebrating, a very unexpected guest was there too. Charlie Bradbury, Kevin Tran, and Meg Masters? Dean, and Sam shouted. "How the fuck are you three alive?!" I didn't say anything, and just stared at them. 

                                            Anyways, the God Squad picked Charlie, and Kevin up while Meg was dragged back to hell, I shuddered when the hell hounds dragged her down with Meg begging for Sam to save her, and Cas also got a dog, her name is Sage. 

                                                        *time skip*

                                           I gave birth to a little girl, I named her Mary Joanna Winchester. Sam was so happy, but he's very protective ever since Dean came home drunk, and wanted to give Mary some sips of beer. Sam tucked Mary into a football hold, and took him on single handily. Sam is currently rocking Mary to sleep, I leaned against the door frame, watching them, Sam kissed Mary's forehead softly, and resumed humming. I walked over to him, and wrapped my arms around his waist, I leaned my cheek against his shoulder. "You're a great dad, Sam," I said, Sam placed one hand on top of mine. "I know I am," said Sam. "Fatherhood made you stiff that's what he's good at." Said Dean, we both glared at him making him back away, and leave the room. "That was worth it." I said smiling, Sam chuckled. "Definitely."

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