Sam x reader

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Sorry I haven't been updating recently, next week is going to chaotic since I have to take these stupid tests called SOLs, they determine if I get to graduate once I become a senior and it's annoying as fuck. I only have three to take this year which are Algebra, biology, and history. I'll be taking the algebra, and history ones on the 16th, and the 17th, yeah, those two barely give my anytime to relax. The biology one is on the 25th, but that doesn't mean I can update much since I have to study for my finals, and PALS for Spanish. Anyways, I hope you guys understand. 

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                                                              "Dean," I said softly, I carried a small kitten in my arms as I gently nudged his door open. "Wake up," Dean groaned, and turned so he's lying on his back. "Wake up," I said again with a bit more force, I gently placed the kitten on the bed, and shook him. "Go away," Dean groaned, the kitten simply crawled on top of Dean, and licked his cheek. "Wha-?" He began, and jumped causing him to stumble out of bed. "What the fuck?" I scolded him, and kicked his leg. "It's Sam, you oaf!" Dean simply stared at the kitten. "That's Sam?" He repeated. "Yes!" I said. "That spell that the witch cast caused him to turn into a freakin' cat!" Dean blinked several times making sure he's not dreaming. "Any ideas on how to turn him back?" Asked Dean. "No!" I snapped. "Which is why I'm waking you up!" Dean groaned. "Boot up his laptop, I'll join you in the library." I sighed, and started to walk away with Sam in my arms only to stop. "If you go back to sleep, I won't buy pie the next time I go on a supply run." Dean gulped. 

                                                                                                                                                                            I walked to the library, Sam started to play with my hair that's resting on my shoulder as it swings back, and forth. I sat down where Sam usually sits, and booted up his laptop. I pulled out a ball of yarn, and placed it on the floor, and gently nudged it with the toe of my shoe making Sam jump off, and chase after it with a loud 'meow' cheer. Dean walked in buckling his jeans on. "Okay," said Dean. "Got anything?" I shook my head. "No, nothing," I said. "Should we call Cas?" I asked. "Or we can wait it out," said Dean. "True," I said. "But I don't want Sam to be a cat!" Dean nods. "I don't either," he said. "Might as well wait it out." I sighed. "Fine." 

                                                                                                                                                                          For the next few days, I continued to look after Sam, it's actually pretty nice. He tends to curl up in my lap when I'm reading or researching, he purrs when I rub his head, he rubs himself against my legs as I get up to do something. Dean calls me the kitten nanny while he calls himself the hunter making me roll my eyes. During the night, Sam sleeps by my head, curled up with his snout buried into his tail while I scratch his head gently. 

                                                                                                                                                                           When morning came, I felt a heavy arm wrapped around my waist, my back pressed against a very warm toned chest. I turned to see Sam sleeping next to me. When I tried to get out of his grip, he only tightened his grip, and growled softly. "Don't go," I sighed, and snuggled into his side. "Fine," Sam smile. "I love how you treated me when I was a cat." "Sam!"  

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