Winchesters x reader

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Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                            "You're kidding right?" I asked Garth through the phone. "Nope, not kidding, kid," said Garth. "I'm telling you, the Winchesters want to talk to you in person," I sighed. "Fine, but they better not bring any weapons, Garth," I said. "Or there's no meeting," I heard muffled voices. "They agreed." I got up from my position on the bed. "Great, meet me at Central Park at ten pm sharp." More muffled voices. "Alright." Garth said. 

                                                                                                                                            I locked the screen to my phone, and walked out. "Are you okay, ma'am?" Asked Bat, my third in command. "I'm fine, Bat, and how many times do I need to remind you to call me 'Y/n'?" Bat flushed in embarrassment. "S-sorry, ma'am, I mean Y/n," he stuttered. "Tell the pack that I'm going on a meeting," I said. "I don't know when I'll be back, but you're in charge until I do. Got it?" Bat nodded. "Yes, Y/n." I nodded. 

                                                                                                                                            You went back to reread my last sentence didn't you? That's right, I said 'pack' I'm a werewolf. I'm the Luna of six packs, Luna is the female term of alpha of the pack. I turned into a wolf, and ran when the clock struck ten. I made it to Central Park where I saw Garth and two men behind him. I shifted back into my human form, and walked over to them. 

                                                                                                                                           "Garth," I greeted. "Y/n, pleasure to see you as always," said Garth. "You're my second in command, Garth, you always see me," I said. "Until the past few weeks," Garth shrugged. "I had to help these two with a hunt. You know me, I can't stay away," I sighed, and looked at them. "Well, well, the Winchester boys right?" The one with long brown hair answered. "Yeah, we're Winchesters," he said. "My name's Sam and this is my older brother, Dean," the sandy blond one gave me a small wave. "So," said Dean. "Aren't you a bit young to be an alpha?" I bared my teeth at him. "Luna," I corrected him. "And no, I'm not," I added. "I'm Luna of six packs. The one right here in the heart of NYC, Kansas, Virginia, North, and South Dakota, and Washington state," Sam whistled at that. "Damn, that many?" He asked. "That's impressive." I tossed my head back in sanctification. "Yes, yes it is," I agreed. "Now, what do you three want?"  

                                                                                                                                           I scoffed at their accusation. "And you think my pack did this?" I growled while barring my teeth at them. "Garth, you're part of my pack. What you're doing is treason!" Garth stepped forward. "This isn't treason, Y/n," said Garth. "One of our pack members is committing treason!" I crossed my arms. "Fine," I said. "Garth and I will question them," Dean shook his head. "No can do, sweetheart," said Dean. "We need to go with you," I scoffed. "And let them started morphing so they can kill?" I asked. "I rather not," Sam grabbed Dean's arm, and both left to speak in private then returned. "Fine," said Sam. "But we're going to be the ones who kill him," I crossed my arms. "Or her." I said. "Or her." Sam agreed. 

                                                                                                                                             I returned back to the pack with Garth. "Round them up," I ordered. "I'll call the ones that are on patrol." Garth nodded, and left. I rounded up the ones that are on patrol, and Garth rounded up the rest. "QUIET!" All voices died down. "Thank you," I said. "Now, all of you are wondering why you're here yes?" There were murmurs of 'yes' and 'yeah' I blew a strand of h/c hair from my eyes. "There were reports of people going missing," I said. "Reports of people with their hearts going missing or brutally mutilated," there were more murmurs. "It's possible that one of us could be doing this," I said, there were shouting. "Or we have a rogue werewolf on our hands," silence. "All of you know that we cannot let ourselves be revealed," I said. "If one of you see the rogue werewolf then speak through the telepathic link. If you are the one who is doing this, you know the consequences," no one stepped up. "Very well," I said. "Then I'll let Garth handle this." Garth stepped up when I stepped back. "You heard her!" Said Garth. "Better step up! And resume your patrol or whatever the hell you were doing before!" Everyone quickly parted ways

                                                                                                                                               For the next few days, Garth, Bat, and I took careful note of everyone. I got reports of the people that are going missing almost everyday from multiple wolves. Sam and Dean are researching in hopes to find out the wolf themselves while my second and third commands and I went through the pack. "Nothing so far," I said through the phone. "Nothing?" Sam repeated. "Yeah, I think it's a rogue," I said. "Alright, we'll dig through a bit more. Think you can get us some more information about these rogues?" Asked Sam. "Well, it's all in the name," I said. "These wolves have no allegiance to any pack, they go on a killing spree leaving the bodies behind," Sam stayed silent. "Is that all?" Asked Sam. "Yes," I said. "Okay, keep up the search," I heard footsteps to see Garth. "Hang on," I said, and pulled the phone from my ear. "What's up, Garth?" I asked. "We found him."  

                                                                                                                                              Moments later, Garth, and our best wolves were off to look for the rogue wolf. Dean was driving the impala close behind. The pack agreed to let them help us hunt the rogue down, but we're going to be the ones to punish the rogue. We picked up his trial, and followed it. 'Remember, injure, not kill' I reminded the pack with the telepathic link. 'Got it, ma'am' Ben, a pack member, answered. 'Yes, ma'am' another answered. 'You already know my answer' Garth replied. 

                                                                                                                                              Hours later, we're dragging the rogue wolf to an opening. I shifted from my wolf form into human. "You killed others," I said. "You allowed the people to know that werewolves may exist when we tried so hard to keep it a secret. The penalty for exposion is death," he grinned. "I don't care," he said. "Go ahead, and kill me, Luna." I grabbed his neck, and snapped it. "Tell the rest of the pack about the penalty as a warning," I said. "Just in case." The others nodded, and left. "So that's it?" Asked Dean. "Killing them?" I nodded. "It is," I said. "We can't afford for them to know that we're existing, they'll chase us out," Sam placed a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you for taking him out," said Sam. "I'll like to than you both for helping me," I said. "Good luck on your next hunt." Both smiled. "Thanks." Sam said, he patted my back, and climbed into the impala. "You know, he likes you," said Dean. "Really likes you." My cheeks flushed as Dean walked back and climbed into the impala. 

                                                                                                                                            I watched the impala leave while my cheeks were still flushing red. 

I'm sorry I'm writing about werewolves, I just got this from a dream. I know, a dream, and it was ridiculous, but I'm actually pretty glad I had this dream. Anyways, vote, comment, and request!  

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