Broken Mind

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Pairing:Winchesters x reader x Cas
Warning:depression, and cutting
Note:this one shot is based on a book I've written called Dark Thoughts, it's a reader insert book for Jensen Ackles and I recommend reading it, but if you have depression, anxiety or even cutting, please don't read it. I just want to say you are beautiful, you are perfect, there is a reason why you are alive. Don't let someone influence you.

                           Y/n's always has depression, even as a child. It got worse as she got older. Her parents didn't help, especially her mother. She wrote a letter to her mother before running off at the age of thirteen.

Dear, Mom
Thank you for always bringing down my self esteem, thank you for calling me fat, making fun of my hair, how I'm always "sad", how I'm ungrateful, how I should be like my siblings, how I'm stupid for not having good grades. No, really. Thank you...... because now I realize how useless, pathetic I am.  
                            Ever since then, she's been on the streets, hitch hiking as much as she could, getting small jobs to get what she needed. That was, until she met Cas. Castiel had saved her many times, the thoughts had become too much sometimes, but Cas has managed to get to her on time before she left the world.
                               Cas realized she needed a kind and loving family so he brought her to the Winchester brothers. She warmed up to Sam quick, he was so kind and gentle and was ready to hear her problems out without hesitation. Dean, he was a bit hard to warm up too, he was gruff, a bit rough on her, but he did show kindness to her.
                                   One day, Sam and Dean had left her behind to go out for a supply run. Y/n was on Sam's laptop doing school work(she took an online school), she heard banging on the door. She got up with a fully loaded gun and walked to the door, peering in the peep hole.
                                     It was a man, he looked up and his eyes flashed black. Before she can back away, the door was knocked down and the man grabbed her.
                                       Days later, Sam and Dean rescued her and Sam got injured because of it. When they reached the motel again, Dean slammed the door shut and exploded at her. Calling her every word her mother had said to her.
                                         Stupid, ungrateful, worthless. Sam had scolded Dean, but it was already too late. She was out the door with tears pouring down her cheeks.
                                          She heard Sam call out for her, to tell her to stop, but she was far gone. It started to rain, she stopped, pulled out her phone from her pocket and smashed it to the ground, she pulled her jacket close to her and continued walking in the rain.
                                            Words kept repeating in her head. She finds a cliff in a nearby forest. She stood at the edge, and made a prayer to Cas.
Thank you for bringing me to the Winchesters, I understand you were trying to help and I appreciate that. It wasn't enough. All I want to ask for you is to not bring me back from wherever the hell I end up. I just want to get away from this, the thoughts, the pain, everything. Tell Sam that I'm sorry, that I love him. Goodbye.

                                              Just when she was about to step off, she heard shouting, she turned her head and saw two silhouettes running towards her. Two silhouettes that looked very familiar. Sam and Dean. They were yelling not to jump, to stay where she was.
                                                 She took a deep breath and stepped off.
                                                  A hand grabbed her. It was Sam. He prevented her death. She screamed and pleaded for Sam to let her go, to let her die, Dean had to help Sam drag her to the impala. Sam held her, keeping her from escaping, she was screaming and crying the whole way back, pleading for them to let her go.
                                                 Sam's eyes met Dean's through the mirror, they knew this was not going to be easy for her to move on.

I am not depressed. I am a very happy girl. I'm worried for those who are depressed. As I said before, you are perfect, don't destroy yourself.

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