Crawling Back From Hell

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Part two of Gone.                                               
                                                              A year. It's been a year since Y/n's death. Jason was often found staring at his sister's gravestone(it was right next to his), thinking to himself. 'Why?' He always tried to keep her out of his life as Red Hood, never speaking about her outside the field, only speaking about her to Roy or Kori, but no one else. 
                                                               He heard someone coming, the fall leaves crunching beneath the person's feet. "Whoever the hell you are, fuck off," Jason snapped. "Well, damn. Y/n always said I reminded her of you because of our cursing," a deep gruff voice said. "Fuck off, Dean," Jason snapped. "Hell no," Dean snapped. "I get it, she was your actual sister, but you think this doesn't hurt Sammy? Or me?" Dean growled. "Just because she wasn't our biological sister doesn't mean she wasn't that figure. We all wanted to protect her from the horrors and all that fucking shit," Jason didn't stir. "If she were here now, what do you think she'll do or want you to do? Moap and cry over her death?" A fist was thrown at Dean's face and Dean dodged. "I said fuck off!" Jason growled. "Fine," said Dean. "Be depressed." And Dean walked away. 
                                                                  Jason sank back down to the ground, he glanced at her grave. He pulled out a single f/f(favorite flower) and placed it near her gravestone. Pulling his hood over his head, he walked away from the cemetery. 


                                                                     "WHY WOULD YOU MAKE A DEAL?!?" Sam's angry voice rang out. "TO BRING BACK Y/N, DAMMIT!" Dean's voice rang out. "SHE'S OUR LITTLE SISTER AND I'M NOT LETTING CROWLEY DO WHATEVER THE HELL HE WANTS WITH HER!" Sam scowled. "Dean, she could be in heaven! She could be happy there!" Sam snapped. "And what did Cas say? He said she wasn't up there!" Dean snapped. "She could be in Purgatory." Sam pointed out. "Either way, she's going to be out of hell or Purgatory," Dean said. "Just make sure she's back to her old self when I'm gone." 
                                                                        The night when Y/n was coming back, Dean and Sam stood in front of her grave. A hand shot up from the ground and Dean and Sam grabbed it, pulling Y/n out. Sam caught her when she stumbled out. Wrapped in Dean's leather jacket, she shivered and buried her face into Sam's neck. "Y/n," Dean gruffly said. "Look at me," she did. "I made a deal to bring you back. I want you to stay with Sammy or your brother, okay? Hell, Sammy might even leave the hunting life to support you," Dean said. "I'll come back.  I always do, don't I?" She nodded, pressing a loving kiss to her forehead, he carefully held her tight. "I'm sorry I couldn't spend more time with you." 
                                                                          She watched Dean drive the impala, when it was out of sight, she and Sam managed to make it back to the Wayne Manor. Alfred started to cry, Tim stared(he was thinking it was impossible since he's the logical thinking type), Dick cheered that she was back(he doesn't even think of how she came back), Damian grunted, Bruce was glad to have his daughter back, and Jason? He couldn't believe his baby sister was back. 
                                                                            She was glad too, but sad as well. She missed Dean(surprisingly), she kept his leather jacket, wearing it as often as she could. She got hugs from her family(mostly Sam and Jason, though and Bruce occasionally). One day, Duke had convinced her to come down. When she did, she squealed and tackled someone. Dean had come back from hell. "Hey, sweetheart. Miss me?" 

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