TFW x reader

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Heyo! I'm back! Yes, I will be writing again, but my updates will probably be slow since my younger brother and dad will be hogging the computer most of the time and I can't use my school computer at home unless I'm using the school's Wifi, which fucking sucks as hell. Anyways, enjoy this one shot which was requested by Risk_Dash                                                                                                                                                            

                                                                                                                                                                     Sam, Dean, and Cas stared at a small child, more like an infant, she tilted her head to the side. "How the hell did this happen?" Dean hissed. "I don't know!" Sam snapped quietly. "How are we supposed to take care of Y/n?!? She's an infant!" Yes, Y/n was turned into an infant, by whom? Nobody knows. Little Y/n crawled towards Cas and tugged on his trench coat. "What does she want?" Cas asked. "Just pick her up." Dean grunted, Cas did and held her wrong making Y/n squirm, uncomfortable of how Cas was holding her. "Not like that." Sam sighs, he helps Cas hold Y/n correctly before walking to the library to start researching.  

                                                                                                                                                                     Y/n played with Cas' tie as Cas walked towards the library too, she giggled and tugged on it making Cas gently slap her hand away from the tie. She sniffled, her lower lip quivering and she started to cry leaving Sam to comfort her. Taking a large interest in Sam's long hair, Y/n started pulling on it gently, Sam scolded her lightly before researching again. 

                                                                                                                                                                        Cas had left to help the Winchester boys look for a cure a few hours before making Y/n pout. The young infant yawned and rubbed her eyes, Sam had one hand typing and the other rubbing her back, soothing her to sleep. "Well, look at you. You're a natural, Sammy." Dean grunted, Sam stopped typing and glanced at Dean from the screen of his laptop. "Yeah right." Sam muttered, he heard soft snoring to realize Dean was right, he was a natural. If he could make Y/n sleep this easily as a child, maybe he'd make an excellent father. 

~mini time skip~

                                                                                                                                                                        A week has passed and Y/n is now five years old, she was already causing a ruckus with the boys. Chasing after her when she took something from them(Sam:laptop. Dean:keys to Baby or beer(no one knows how she gets her hands on those)). Currently, she was being chased after Dean, she had the keys again. 

                                                                                                                                                                         Dean had to stop a bit so he can catch his breath. "Damn her and her youth." Dean cursed then started to chase after her again. After multiple turns, Dean managed to catch her, he had her thrown over her shoulders as he carried her to the library. He plopped her down roughly making her lips quiver. "If you take Baby's keys again you'll get a spanking! Is that what you want?!" Dean growled, she burst into tears at his growling making Sam scowl at Dean. "Dean!" Sam scolded, he scooped her up and cradled her. "Now she knows to never take the keys." Dean grumbled. "She's just a kid. She needs some fun," Sam snapped. "Besides, Cas told us there is no cure to this. Who knows how long this curse will last."

                                                                                                                                                                          It was true, Cas had appeared days ago telling Dean and Sam the bad news. There is no cure, not until a specific time. Back to the present, Dean had stomped off, telling Sam he's going to a bar. Sam pulled out a box and started pulling out toys for Y/n, he handed them over to her and she held a stuffed moose close to her. She rolled a ball towards Sam's foot and he gently kicked it back with his foot while he researched. 

                                                                                                                                                                            She giggled and pushed it back, Sam couldn't help, but smile and kicked it back. This continued as Sam continued researching, Sam couldn't find a case for himself and Dean, he picked Y/n up and placed her on his lap. "I'm going to miss this," he sighs. "Playing with you when you were a kid, I mean," she looked up at him, her e/c eyes meeting Sam's hazel ones. "Sammy," she cooed, she tugged on the front of his shirt making him chuckle and kiss her forehead. "Yeah," he said. "Good ol' Sammy's here for you, n/n." 

~months later~

                                                                                                                                                                             Sam and Dean were asleep when all of a sudden. "YES! I AM BACK, YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!" Dean had jumped out of his bed making him fall to the floor while Sam had jerked straight up from his sleep. 'At least she's back.' Was what Dean thought. 'I'm going to miss taking care of her.' Was Sam's thought. 

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