Behind Bars

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Pairing:Jensen Ackles x child!reader

                                                                Jensen checked the mirror as he drove, he saw the seven year old child looking out the window. She was humming to herself. She caught Jensen's eye and smiled brightly at him making him smile back. He focused on the road again and continued to drive towards Austin Prison. 
                                                                  Why is he driving there? So that Y/n could see her parents. Her parents not only abused her physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Her father had done it because he was alcoholic and was on drugs and her mother never loved her. He remembered the first time he met her mother, her mother spat that she(Y/n's mother) wished she could have killed Y/n the minute she was born.
                                                                   Jensen parked the car and helped Y/n out. The child grabbed Jensen's hand and the duo walked in. Danneel was unable to come because of JJ and the twins. Multiple children and parents were there as well. Mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, siblings and more were there, in hopes to see their mother or father. This program is for children with parents behind bars. 
                                                                     Names were called out, children were reunited with their parents/parent. When Y/n's father was called in, she rushed over to greet him with a hug. Her father eagerly returned the hug, nodding at Jensen as a thank you. 
                                                                      While Y/n spent time with her father, Jensen sought out Y/n's mother. He found her sulking in her cell. "You know, your daughter is here," Jensen started. "She wants to see you, even though you want to kill her," she snorted. "Fuck off, Ackles. The minute she walks in, I'm killing her." She spat. "Fine, have fun spending the rest of your life here." Jensen sighs and walks away. 
                                                                         Y/n rushed up to him and held onto his leg. "What did Mommy say?" She asked, innocently. "She doesn't want to see you, n/n. Sorry," Jensen reported, the smile disappeared on her face. "Oh," she softly said. "I'm sorry, Y/n," Jensen apologized. "No need to say sorry, Jensen," Y/n's father said. "I regret marrying that woman. I truly do. I wished I married someone else, but if I did then Y/n wouldn't have been born," he ruffled her hair gently and the whistle went off. "Take good care of my little girl, Jensen. I expect her to be happy for the rest of her life." Jensen nodded. "You got yourself a deal."  

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