Jensen x reader

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Okay, so this is another DDM(Daddy Daughter Moment) one shot, Tom is five, and you're four years old close to turning five. Prepare for fluffiness, or at least I think this is going to end up fluffy. I am also sorry this is really late, I normally write during history when my teacher isn't paying attention so that's why I haven't been updating lately and my teacher said we don't need to use our laptops for the next few days so, yeah. 

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                               I licked my ice cream with my best friend, Tom Padalicki, by my side. "Hey Y/n?" I looked at Tom. "Yeah?" I answered. "When we're older, will you marry me?" Asked Tom, I looked at him. "Grow taller first," I said. "I can't marry someone that's shorter than me," Tom turned to face me. "When I grow taller, will you marry me then?" Asked Tom. "Sure," I said. "Pinky promise?" Asked Tom, he held his pinky out, and I hooked it with mine giggling because of the stickiness. "Promise." I said

2nd person view

                                                                                                                                             Genevieve, and Danneel started to squeal at the adorableness between both kids. "I'm pretty sure Jensen is going to kill Jared," said Danneel. "But we won't let him," said Genevieve. "This is too adorable." Danneel nodded. "It is." 

Y/n's pov

                                                                                                                                             Mom brushed my hair when I got out of the shower. "So, I heard the promise you, and Tom made," said Mom. "You did?" I asked. "Hmh," she answered. "Do you think Daddy, and Uncle Jared are going to be okay with it?" I asked. "I'm sure your father will be fine with it," said Mom. "I can call him once I'm done brushing your hair, baby." I nodded, and let her finish. 

                                                                                                                                             Soon, I heard Mom talking to Daddy over the phone, and there were some yelling from Daddy while Mom managed to calm him down. "Relax, J, they're just kids," said Mom. "Just kids," I frowned, and looked at my pinky finger. 'I'm not breaking that promise,' I swore. 'Never.' 

                                                                          *time skip*

                                                                                                                                             I hooked my am with Tom's, and laughed as we walked back from school together. Fifteen years old, that's how old we are now(just go with it), I leaned my head against Tom's shoulder. "Do you still remember our promise?" Asked Tom. "I do," I said. "Good," said Tom. "Then can I kiss you?" I smiled, and kissed him first. "Kissed you first," I teased, Tom laughed, and kissed me. "Kissed you second." 

                                                                     *time skip*

                                                                                                                                            I paced back, and forth in nervousness, a hand gently grabbed my elbow making me stop. "You're going to be, sweetheart," I looked up to meet my father's piercing green eyes. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, you're going to be fine, baby girl," said Dad, he gave me a smile. "C'mere," I walked into his arms. "Tom's a good man, Y/n, he'll keep you happy," said Dad. "I hope you two give me a lot of grandkids," I laughed, and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Daddy," I said. "I love you too, baby girl." 

                                                                                                                                            In the end, I got married to my childhood, and best friend, Thomas Padalicki. It was amazing. Jared, aka my uncle aka my father in law, was absolutely ecstatic with our marriage. My aunt/mother in law was also very happy. Sheppard, my cousin/brother in law was happy too. Odette, my baby cousin/sister in law, is also happy to call me 'sister' now. 

                                                                                                                                              I pressed my forehead against Tom's. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you, too, Mrs. Padalicki." Tom replied, and his lips are on mine. 

I know this wasn't really a Jensen x reader one shot, but Tom isn't part of Supernatural cast so I decided to go with Jensen instead. I also now Tom is five? Five or six years old, but I couldn't get this out of my head so I decided to do it. I will be posting your request, Risk_Dash but it will probably be up by tomorrow so yeah. Vote, comment, and request!

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