Sam x reader

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Sam's pov

                                                                                                                                            I tackled Y/n down, and showered her with kisses making her squeal. "Sammy! Stop!" She squealed. "Sammy!" I chuckled, and kissed her hard. "Or what?" I asked. "Or I won't kiss you again." Said Y/n. "Mhm, keep telling yourself that." I said kissing her again.

                                                                                                                                            Dean's out at a bar leaving Y/n, and me alone in the motel, I pulled away, and started to leave hickeys on her neck while planting loving kisses, Y/n softly moaned. "Moan for me," I murmured, she let out a louder one making me smirk in victory. "How about we lock the door on Dean? He did leave the motel keys here." A smile appeared on her face. 

                                                                *time skip*

                                                                                                                                             I opened the door facing a very pissed off Dean. "What. the. hell. was. that. for?" He growled, he noticed the hickeys left on my neck. "Oooooh, Sammy got laid," I punched him. "Jerk," I said. "Bitch," Dean fired back. "You're an ass, Dean," I smiled. "Thanks, babe," Y/n smiled. "Anytime, Sammy," said Y/n. "I hate you guys," Dean grumbled. "We love you too, Dean," said Y/n, she sat up with the covers covering her naked body making me want to ravish her again. "Sammy, don't you dare think you're going to ravish me again, you already did it once," my cheeks flushed. "Sorry," I mumbled, Y/n giggled while Dean rolled his eyes. "Sammy, cuddle?" I climbed into bed, and she snuggled into my side. "Enough with the chick flick moment," Dean grumbled, Y/n stuck her tongue out at him. "Ass." She said. "Dick," Dean fired back. "And I thought that was our thing, Dean." Dean chuckled. "Nah, Y/n, and I have one too." 

Guys, this book has hit 1K! The DC Comics One Shots 2 hit one hundred! And the first one has hit 184! *squeals* I love you guys so much! Thank you!

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